Meng Jia unlocks the room and barges in abruptly without any concern for who is inside
Meng Jia> hey Guo Zhelan get your ass up we have some investigating to carry out
Guo Zhelan the second elder of the lightning sword Sect rises from his bed and stretches his body
Guo Zhelan> you know there is a thing called knocking right
Meng Jia> we have no time for that now, get dressed and meet me outside
Guo Zhelan> hey what is the rush if there is an emergency then leave it to the core disciples that is what they are there for
Meng Jia> this is something beyond them, if we send them out they might die
Guo Zhelan> is it that serious
Meng Jia> I am not really sure since I am unable to rate the energy I felt but I know for sure that it is not something we should underestimate
Guo Zhelan> hmm alright I will be with you in a minute then
Paton> I do not understand, how exactly is a Sect supposed to help you in activating the trial
Gelios> if my lack of communication really is what delayed my trial then the Sect is the perfect way to easily adapt to society of course joining a Sect and making my name known in the said Sect can also help but that has a lot of demerits and I doubt I will even be able to get in even without a spiritual root, even if by some miracle I am somehow able to get in there is a chance I will have to deal with those arrogant punks trying to belittle my abilities that is why I canceled off joining a Sect instead if I create my own Sect I will not have to deal with any prideful or arrogant young master and together with my disciples I will win a lot of Sect tournaments and make my name known enough to awaken the system from its slumber
Paton> what are you talking about, creating a Sect is not as easy as you think, if you try using your knowledge of earth in creating a Sect I can assure you that you will fail terribly and besides those arrogant and prideful young masters you are refusing to associate with are what makes a Sect stronger, you might not know this but since they were young they have been fed different kinds of enhancement pill all for the sake of making their cultivation faster, without them you will only end up with bums as a disciple
Gelios> not to worry I have no concern about that, no matter how hard it is it is doable you know why because I raised this little hot tempered soul crushing monster (points to Avina) all by myself and I doubt there will ever be anyone who can be as frustrating as she is, when she was little she was like really cute and adorable ready to follow me wherever but now she beats me up every chance she gets, not even the slightest bit of respect for her master.
Avina> "ohoh" is that so then master if you will please allow me the chance to show you my respect
Gelios> umm Avina we have guests and it would be impolite of us to act rudely in their presence
Avina> well then dear guests please excuse us for a moment, me and my Master have some things to patch up together (drags him outside)
Gelios> no we have nothing to patch up, please help me do not let her drag me away no!!!!!!! (with a faint no as he gets dragged outside)
Barrett> big bro is it just me or did miss angel face turned into a demons face
Paton> you would be wise not to inquire too much about it, just think of it as a passing wind and let nature take its course
"Thud! Whack! Clunk! Clang!" is the sound the three brothers could hear from inside the room they were in
Barrett> wow, big bro remind me never to get on miss angel's bad side
Rai> it is surprising how the house is still in one piece
Paton> that is because of the mana he his using to fortify the house
Rai> I see, to be able to use mana that recklessly means he has a lot of it to spare, I wonder what his class really is, would he tell us if we ask
Paton> we should not pry, in this world a person's class is their lifeline knowing what class your opponent wields gives you a chance to think of a weakness for it so no one would be willing to give such precious details.
Avina comes back into the room and throws Gelios on the floor
Avina> now then I will go and prepare lunch for our dear esteemed guests
The three brothers could only reply with an hesitant "yes" as she walks out of the room.
Paton> you alright dude
Gelios> not to worry I am perfectly fine, when you experience something like this for about sixty two times you will get used to it in no time
Barrett> are you a fool who would ever want to get used to something like that
Gelios> forget the small talk I have one last thing to ask, what exactly will the trial be about
Paton> the quest for the trials varies depending on the class and the level, as a special class holder you should be expecting some real hardcore quest
Gelios> I see, I thank you all very much for the valuable information you have given me but what are you going to do from here on, although not something to be proud of I did destroy your base and scattered your subordinates apart now you hardly have a place to call home
Paton> not to worry about us we have connections in a lot of places so getting our base set up again will not be a problem
Gelios> Hmmm I have a better idea, instead of continuing your life as bandits
Barrett> we are not bandits, we are a righteous
Gelios> alright I get it righteous whatever, why do you guys not work for me instead
Barrett> no way in hell are we going to do that
Paton> Barrett calm your voice
Barrett> big bro do not tell me you are considering working under this guy
Paton> just try to let the other person finish speaking before interrupting
Barrett> got it big bro
Paton> you suggest us working for you, let us for a second forget about the damage you caused us, what would be our gain if we come under you
Gelios> well for one you would gain a strong ally and during our fight I melted your weapons so I will recompensate you with better weapons
Paton> you do not understand, the weapons in "LASK" are considered high level equipment in this world so how do you plan on getting your hands on a better weapon
Gelios> well I am a collector and my storage is full of high ranking weapons, armors, and artifacts all of it just sitting in the storage and collecting dust
Paton> you got yourself a deal, what about you guys
Barrett> well for the sake of the poor weapons I am also in
Rai> same here
Even the hot headed Barrett accepted, Well of course they will all agree after all the importance of weapons is not something one can just overlook.
Meng Jia and Guo Zhelan while floating in the sky arrived at the place where Gelios and the three brothers battled
Guo Zhelan> wow, they really did a number on this place, is this place not supposed to be a forest or something to think that not even a trace of its past is left behind how sad
Meng Jia> this is not the time to joke around, I brought you here because you are the best at sniffing out clues and I need one that will lead us to the perpetrator
Guo Zhelan> you make it sound like I am a dog but you are indeed right, I found something even though it is faint a dimensional door was used so we cannot trace it
Meng Jia> dimensional portal, is that not something only those who have ascended to the immortal realm can use it
Guo Zhelan> I think so, this also makes it more difficult to track them down to their current location but there is still footprints of where the user came from and it is over there (points to a city), that city over there has the scent of the person all over it.
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The Sun Primordial Disciple Hunting
When I took the three brothers to my weapon storage they beamed with excitement, it is to be expected after all in LASK there are players who are willing to betray their long time partner in exchange for a good weapon, there are also those willing to offer anything they can all just to get close to a blacksmith class player so seeing my weapon collection would definitely freak out a lot of players considering how rare such weapons would be in this world.I told the three brothers to select any weapons of their choice as a form of atonement and also a bribe, leaving them to their choices I headed to town to recruit my disciples, since I have been there once I am able to use teleportation to go anytime I see fit.I already said I was not going to recruit any young master as my disciple, what I am going for is the less privilege, no matter what world it is there will always be those like that and my aim is to bring such folks under me it would be really fun watching them grow but the pro
The Sun Primordial Proof
Guo Zhelan> hey what are you doing right now, how can you just attack someone else's houseMeng Jia> am trying to force out the perpetratorGuo Zhelan> ohh and you did not consider what reaction they would give if they see their house destroyedMeng Jia> then what should I have doneGuo Zhelan> well for one how about just going there to askMeng Jia> are you stupid, who knows what evil intents they harbor, if I do not strike first then I will be the one on the receiving end of itGuo Zhelan> "sigh" there is no winning an argument against you is there"boom"Guo Zhelan> "what" the" did you hold backMeng Jia> I did notGuo Zhelan> then why is the house not destroyedGelios> well that is because there is a barrier protecting it from any physical attacksGuo Zhelan> what barrier are you talki "uhhhh"The two moved away from their initial position as they heard the voice that answered their question, in that place stands a boy with his arms folded against each other and looking relaxedGu
The Sun Primordial Sure Have It Tough
Guo Zhelan> so what you are saying is you are all from a World entirely different from this one and instead of Qi you make use of Mana is that itGelios> yes in the simplest form,After the commotion outside I managed to make peace with the unexpected guests and invited them into the house to explain my origin but I am surprised to see they know nothing about players or manaGelios> hey Paton what is going on here, did you not say players have become the norms of society if so why do this people not know anything about Mana and PlayersPaton> I did say that but cultivators are different, they cannot really be classified as a part of the society since they live above it and they rarely associate with the people below ground except for recruitment day when they want to scout for talented disciples or when something that can aid in their cultivation is located below grounds, those two reasons are mainly why cultivators involve themselves with society, the only cultivators you will see am
The Sun Primordial Starting To Bond
Meng Jia> looking down on me because he got lucky, do not for once think I will go easy on youMeng Jia fell prey to my taunt as she agreed to fight Avina and like I promised I brought them to the training room which wowed them a lot especially the two cultivators.Paton> hey are you really sure about this, you might have outdone her does not mean you should underestimate her, her cultivation base is two times higher than Avina, she is a Martial God while Avina is a Martial Monarch the difference is not something that should be glossed overGelios> not to worry everything is going to be fine, infact I am glad it ended in a situation like thisBarrett> what are you talking about, do you not care about the pretty miss at allGelios> what do you mean not care, Avina is the number one person I care about most in this world, she is like my second heart and I would go to any lengths to make her feel satisfiedRai> if that is true then why are you letting her fight against someone of a highe
The Sun Primordial A Friend
Avina> "Mystic Art First Form Force Push"The tip of the sword was only a pinch away from Avina's neck when suddenly Meng Jia was sent flying away, Meng Jia instantly reacted by crossing her two hands together in a defensive form, her back hit the wall and she fell to the floorGuo Zhelan> what technique was that, I have never heard of it beforePaton> same here it is not a skill used by playersGelios> it is a skill created by her, she manipulates the surrounding energy to her favor and what she did right now is coat herself in that energy then when the opponent made contact with her the force acted like some kind of polar magnet causing her to be blown away, honestly I do not fully understand the scope of the ability all I know is it is a very powerful and unique ability that is limited only to her, I tried copying it once and I failed, in the end what I used was just brute force and not the ability.Guo Zhelan> created a skill? My admiration for her is soaring high "that is if it i
The Sun Primordial Invitation
Gelios> so you are saying you want us to join your SectThis people must have been really impressed with Avina's skills to extend a recruitment offer to usGuo Zhelan> yes that is what we just said, if you agree, we will give you a position of an elder and the girl will be immediately promoted to being a Core disciple and on top of that we will provide high grade elixers for the miss here while you will be payed fifty thousand gold gem as your monthly wageBarrett> oiy!!!! Is this not cheating, what kind of an unfair situation is this, when we came into this world we had to work everyday and in a month all we get is one hundred silver gem and even after becoming a collector the highest our monthly wage amounts to is two hundred gold gem, and you are now offering him fifty thousand gold gems without doing anything like what the heckRai> such is the ways of the cultivator, only the strong are favored while the weak are neglected so if you think it is unfair then try getting strongerPa
The Sun Primordial The Lightning Sword Sect
We had to fly all the way over to the Sect, it was really surprising to me when I heard that the cultivators cannot use teleportation, I mean it just does not add up when they spend almost their entire lifetime cultivating and are still unable to use one of the easiest transportation spell, I asked the guy why they were unable to use it and the response he gave to me was " a technique like that involves manipulating the very existence of space and nature, twisting it to heed to our demands, it requires a very large amount of Qi to bend the very laws of nature and using a large amount of Qi just to transport yourself to a different location will most likely leave the person vulnerable due to the sudden output of Qi, that is why most cultivators refrained from using it and instead prefers flying, and eventually the knowledge of the technique became lost to the world, we do believe that the cultivators that have ascended to the next world are capable of using it". He makes a good point
The Sun Primordial Hijacked By Bandits
About a month has passed since my initiation into the Sect and I have to say there is not much of a difference to it when compared to the life I had before , the only difference is I do not have Avina coming to wake me up for breakfast like she does before since we both live in different buildings now.When I got to the Sect I was introduced to the disciples as the third elder of the Sect, I had the whole members laughing at my height you know but I brushed them off since none of them is worth my time, the only reason I signed up for this is because of the trial activation but if I keep on going like this then I might not be able to activate it so that is why I decided to invest my time in the business operations I entered into with Su Ning, the income from the sales of the elixers and pills was more than I had imagined like I was not expecting a result like that at all, it was more than I accounted for, if it continues on like this then I can predict having a wealth that can last me
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Paton> hey Gelios what nonsense are you sayingGelios> I want you all to listen to me first before criticizing my wordsBarrett> listen to what? You are trying to cause havoc because you are grieving, that is bullshitPaton> Barrett is right Gelios, we are still trying to recover from the damage caused so now is not a good time to start another chaosGelios> no you are wrong Paton, this incident has opened my eyes to a lot of things I never even bothered to consider for example "Why were we summoned to this world, for what reasons would ordinary players like us suddenly possess our characters in a world where death means nothing, who or what brought us here, for what reasons would they go so far to transmigrate us with abilities that can offset the balance of this world, what game are they pushing us to play". These are all questions I ask myself but it does not matter anymore, whoever it is I am not going to be playing by whatever path or rules they have laid down, this is going to b
Trade With The Unknown
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Story Of The Ghost
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Trait Trigger
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Beginning Of Wrath
After narrowly securing victory over the sun warriors I decided to get some rest and recover my mana before going up against the big boss, I lay on the oceanic lava with my clothes all torn and barely covering my crotch and after enough rest I make my way to the very top of the tower, when I got there a single door path flashing out what seems like the ray of sun was what I saw at the entrance, I went inside of it and I was greeted with a different scenery, a dim surrounding with engraved pillars stationed in every direction, and a bright out figure situated at the end of the room sitted in a sun color throne with his head resting on his hand, the walls inscribed with burning sun that feels like it is actually real.When I was making my way up I deluded myself with all sorts of thoughts like going with full power the moment I confront the sun God but now I am struck with reality as I face him head on, this is not a battle I can win infact I estimate that I will last at most one minute
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 8
Kyva> my lady what have you doneAvina> what do you mean what have I done, do not pin this on me, after all you are the weapon that destroyed the sectKyva> my lady that is not true, my attack is not to this level, the QI you added is what made it worseAvina> then you should have stopped me from using itKyva> how was I supposed to know you were going to unleash that much powerAvina> "sigh" you know what let us just blame the black ghost members, if they did not attack us in the first place then all this would not have happenedKyva> ummm, my lady the black ghost's are not the ones who pushed you into destroying the Sect, it is your decision and fault so you should take responsibilityAvina> oh so we are pointing fingers nowKyva> no my lady what I mean isAvina> it is okay, I understand what you are trying to say.But looking at it I really did over do it, the splitted Sect is collapsing to the ground with the disciples taking refuge in midair and the ones unable to fly are holding
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 7
The loss of the Grand Patriarch and the Patriarch is a huge blow to the Sect members, unlike them I have no attachment nor do I feel remorseful for their deaths since I have yet to make contact with them which is why I can not sympathize with the disciples nor do I fully understand what they are going through right now, but what I know for sure is that their deaths alone should not be enough or serve as an excuse to cripple their resolve of defending the Sect, infact I felt that it should fan their anger towards the ones that killed their leaders, seeing them giving up their will to fight is seriously disappointing and Meng Jia also losing herself to rage and blindly going after someone stronger than her without making out some sort of strategy is something I do not agree with, what she should have done is to maintain her composure and encourage the Sect members to not give up or order them to retreat and flee for their lives, it is either of those choices but she went with the one th
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 6
Ghost reached out his right hand to disperse the Whale shaped Aura that was heading towards him, at the same time he stretched his left hand backwards and held unto the hand that was holding a kunai close to his neck, he threw the person he was holding up against the axe that was aiming at him from above and grabbed the fist of the Grand Patriarch who has already made his way to him, the ghost then used the grand patriarch to shield himself against the floating swords that accompanied the grand patriarch but the swords diverted their attention away from the grand patriarch as they made a u turn and aimed for the back of ghostGhost> your puny tricks are starting to annoy me, shall we put an end to it nowHe thrust his left hand straight into the grand patriarch's heart and ripped it out before tossing away the cold body of the grand patriarch. The moment he ripped out the heart all the floating swords disappeared and the members of the lightning sword Sect fell on their knees in sadne
Black Ghost Sect Invasion 5
"How disappointing, so very disappointing" to think that this is what the grand patriarch of the mightiest Sect in the light faction is capable of is truly a letdown". Ghost keeps on taunting the grand patriarch with his words as he evades every of the grand patriarch's moves, the scene is like an adult playing tag with a child while telling the child catch me if you can.Ghost> I was a fool to expect some form of entertainment from you, but I never could have thought that you would be this pathetic, you stand to prove me right that hybrids are indeed stronger than you so called cultivators, even after cultivating your whole life this is the least you amount to a pitiful useless old manGrand Patriarch> do you fight with your mouth or your sword Ghost> you are not worthy enough to make me draw my sword and my fist is too precious to smear your face withGrand Patriarch> do not overestimate yourself boy, I merely want to capture you alive to make you pay for the humiliation you have