Chapter 96

"You will never change." Ciara whispered to herself but Lucas heard it.

"Only with you baby, I will never change anyways. Since you've gotten famous, a lot of things will change. I will assign bodyguards to protect you from the public anytime you want to go out without me."

Ciara shook her head not buying what Lucas just said.

"That's not possible Lucas, I can do just fine on my own. I don't need guards or anything that will drag unnecessary attention to me, you know that Lucas."

She quickly objected.

"I can't let any harm come to you, you know how much you mean to me Ciara. You are my oxygen."

Lucas added playfully making Ciara laugh.

"Nothing will happen to me, stop being pessimistic." Ciara said.

"Fine but you promise me one thing, that you will put a call across to me if anything arises."

"I promise." Ciara nodded her head.

"Good! Now are you ready?" Lucas smirked and hugged her from behind.

Ciara's heart beat raced rapidly, their close proximity was giving her goosebumps.

"R... r
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