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The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 1 (Genesis)
"You must remember Rob,family first,a man is examined by his ability to protect his or her family". These were the last words of Robert Diego manik to his first and illegitimate son Robinson before his assassination. Strength,hard work and love were the theme in the last words of his father. Young Rob always felt he understood his father despite him only knowing him for a short time before his assassination. Very still their chemistry was strong and special. The day of his father's assassination was still new and fresh like an open wound despite happening eight years ago. He was at the school football pitch with his teammates when he was being called out by his school coach. Minutes later he was informed that the only one that actually cares for him is dead. It was meant to be a usual Tuesday like every other Tuesday in manik's family; Diego going to play golf,his stepmothers going to saloon to condition her hair and his step siblings heads out to school. Rob's father, Robert D
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 2 (The Maniks)
It was a black Tuesday for the Maniks family, everyone both young and old were very bitter and cried painfully. Diego's death will strongly affect their lives. It was a shocking and tragedy news for the Freedonias and the World at large. Before his death he was a philantropist who contributed immensely to the various needs of the world. It was rumored that he once helped the Freedonian government financially. His death at that time affected the economical and political stability of the world for quite sometime. This was largely due to the vast number of companies owned and linked to the Maniks. The drug business also was halted due to the scarcity of products ,The great drug Lord is dead. They will be a huge void to be filled by anyone that is to take over the empire. On his death the lives of the Maniks will never be the same.His presence did unified the family. He married two wives;Clara and Alejandra. Clara Manik,a tall beautiful but soft hearted woman was married to Diego ou
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 3 (The Boy)
It was a blissful thursday morning ,the chirps and tweets of morning birds were quite melodious. The choo','chug' and 'chuff' sound of the train could be heard from distance. The cloud was very beautiful and calm. The day looked very promising,one can say. Robinson was busy turning from one side of the bed to other like one being itched at every moment they turned to one side of the bed.The alarm bell ranged,this time it seemed louder, alerting Rob from his now uncomfortable sleep. This was the third time the alarm was ringing. He jumped up immediately realizing that he was almost late for his 8.30am class. He rushed to his magnificent bathroom,a bathroom the size of a bedroom. The bathroom have an exquisite bath tub,an autoflush, gold plated sink and to name a few. After his bath he proceeded to his kitchen to make a quick breakfast. The kitchen had an elegant view,it was very tidy and expensive.Rob rushed and packed his laptop and notebook,he went for the door but realized that h
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 4(Reunion)
It was a casual Friday,Rob was busy trekking home from school. It has been quite a happy day for him,he was selected among the students to join the school main football team. Football was one of the few things that makes him happy. He walked happily down the Beverly street despite the harshness of the sun.As he got near his house, Crewell house,his mood changed on realizing that there might not be food left for him. He was meant to meet Crewell at his office at school for food money. He was very hungry and immediately he realized how weak he was. He was almost home,he just have to hope that Crewell was home already or wait for Crewell to get back.As he approached their old apartment he noticed some black suited men standing on akimbo. They looked mean, focused and there were standing close to three black Rolls-Royce cars. From their appearance he could tell that they were working for someone powerful and wealthy but what he couldn't ascertain was what such Calibre of people would b
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 5(Star boy)
The sad truth about life is that everything thing must work in Pari passu (side by side) for it to workout. It is one thing to agree to something and is another for the other part to agree too. This was the situation Rob found himself on being introduced by his father as his first son. He has agreed to join his family,the question now poised to him is,"will his family welcome him"?It was a shocking news to every Manik household except of course Diego's brother Lois Manik who already knew. They were mixed feelings and reactions when this information was unveiled to them. Even a blind man could feel that the once peaceful family will soon be a power tussle arena. Rob's step siblings were still very young hence never understood the threat he posed but that can not be said for their mothers,Rob's step mothers. The closest person to Rob's age were Twelve years old Robben and ten years old Javier. His siblings were happy to have him at first and were fond of him but later on their mother
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 6(Aftermath)
"Is alright Rob,stop crying,I am going to a better place,you must be strong" Diego painfully muttered to Rob in tears"papa please stay with me, don't let go" Rob responded crying. It was a very painful moment between Rob and his father. Diego was trying to hold his tears,he will be gone anytime from there but he was at least happy that he was able to share his last moments with his family. He was seriously wounded by the sniper shot so he didn't have much time to live,he was dieing.The Maniks rushed to the hospital where he was admitted when they were informed that Diego was shot. It was a painful hour for the family, seeing the once strong and agile Diego fading. He looked at Rob like he knew what the future holds for the little boy. The truth is that he actually knows the challenges that the poor boy will face but what he doesn't know for sure was if Rob will able to bear and face it. He fumbled weakly to Rob, while still looking at him"always know that I love you"He continued. "
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 7( The show)
"Any Mr idea Rob"the middle aged man standing on the podium asked fixing his gaze on him. Rob was startled,he was lost in his thought."sir please can you repeat the question" he stammered trying to maintain his cool. The class laughed as everyone fixed their gaze on him. "Are you with us Mr Rob"the lecturer asked feigning a smile. "Yeah,I am okay sir"Rob replied rubbing his head with his hand."Ok then Mr Man have your sit"The man ordered taking his gaze off him. Few minutes after the class continued the school bell ranged bringing the class to an end.Rob immediately packed his stuffs and left for the library. It was his daily routine to head to the library immediately after the day class. It was his one and only class that day. Rob was a student of the highly rated Lontor University,it is one of the best Universities in the country. He was in his penultimate year in the department of business management. Rob hopped into his black Rolls-Royce sweeptail, though his car was no ordina
The Tale of Robinson Luther Chapter 8(Mrs Carmen)
Rob entered his car and drove out roughly from the Library gate. He headed for the close by boutique shop,it was just a stone throw from the Library. He entered the boutique with his polo that was torn by Miriam. He have served them what they ordered he thought feeling fulfilled. Just as he entered the big building, the security guards stopped him and started querying him."Who are you and what are you doing here?" The old looking one asked"Young man, your kind is not needed here"the dark one rudely sounded while gesturing a halt hand. They were trying to do they job,Rob was virtually looking like a mad man this was due to his torn shirt, stained trouser and his very ruffled and shabby appearance. Rob was taken aback he couldn't understand what his fault could be.He was though losing his patience on the annoying and arrogant attitude of the guards which were very visible in their tone."And why is that?"he asked trying to hide his annoyance. "please make use of the door or be forced to
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Chapter 20( Smart Woman)
Jubo is one of Mr Ronald trusted men,his reputation precedes him. He was once rumored to kill five able bodied men with a fucking pencil. His strength coupled with his intelligence made him a very popular and dreadful folk among the dark world (the drug and dirty business world). He was now given an ultimatum to kill Rob after his failed attempt. He did understand that it was either his or Rob's head,it was a battle of survival.Rob on the other hand was for the first time beaten up by a fellow man in a physical combat. He now knew that his opponent was not a joke,he is strong and hard as a stone. He indulged himself in some physical exercises in order to build his fitness. Rob had since his teenage age trained by Gen. Maldini to defend and protect himself and those that he loved. It was a prerequisite for every Manik,both boys and girls to be properly trained.Reading through the report sent to him by his secretary Miss Elena he was able to see the evil deeds of the Tons company to
Chapter 19(The Tons)
On the dire moment of the fight,a powerful kick from a black suited man was able to dismantle the masked man from Rob's body. The kick was equal to ten heavy punch all together but still the masked man was able to escape although seriously injured. Who knows it would have been a very different story for Rob if not for the miraculous entering of Gen Maldini.Gen Maldini was meant to meet Rob that night hence his entrance was timedRob was injured,the masked man was very trained and strong. He just has just escaped two assassination that night. He was then helped up by Gen Maldini who helped him to remove the dagger that was stuck inside his arm. He also massaged and treated his wounds. Rob was on one of the sits and immediately he saw an amulet ,it must be from the assassin he thought. He picked it up and saw some strange markings on it,he then asked Maldini who on close observation told him that it was from the Tons.The Tons had an ancestry god "Merkuza" which they believe protects
Chapter 18(The ....... Attempt)
Rob was at the hospital all night,he left early in the morning when he was assured by the doctor that Johanna is doing fine. Rob went back to his apartment,he bathed and headed for lecture. Daniel was admitted to Swiss hospital,he was now conscious but still he was badly injured. His father stepped in and was very furious on seeing the condition of his only son. Mr Ronald Tons is the father of two a girl,Maya and son Daniel Tons. Ronald is a successful business man who has like Manik and Landstein built a business empire of his own although not as famous and successful as the other two. He has made much fortune from Telecommunication.Mr Ronald couldn't believe that his son could be humiliated and harmed like this. He was so ashamed to look at him,"Son who did this to you?"he asked in a mellow tone. "Dad"he cried"Ehnm, Rob...hem,ehm"as he gasped for air,he was still very weak."Rob who?"he asked as he loses his patience." Rob,Robi, Robinson Luther,a,a student of Lontor University "
Chapter 17( fallout)
The Manager was already informed that the new head of Manik Conglomerate will be paying a visit. "Where is the board room" Rob asked"follow me sir "as he takes him there. "Get all the board members to join me here"he commanded. News was already in the company that the head of the Manik Conglomerate was around hence they was panick among the workers.The board members were not left out in this quagmire situation,they wanted to make the best possible impression. Within few minutes the room was already filled with the board members with each of them bowing to him."wow,oh my God he is so young and handsome"one of the ladies in the room whispered "shut the fuck up, you gonna put us in fucking problem,compose your self"the dark looking lady hushed.The manager introduced him and he then made some speech. His confidence, elegance and flair impressed the board,he must be special they told themselves. After some introductory speech he then asked of the company report and some other documents.
Chapter 16(The Homecoming)
He has been on the road for almost three hours,it was a very long day journey coupled with the uneasy feeling of going back home. As he entered the golden gate,he could see the gardeners,the various guards and various workers. All were bowing down to him as he pass through the gate with his car. On reaching the family main building he could see the black suited guards (Jacals),the maids and servants all lined up in an orderly fashion.As he alight from his car he was immediately helped by his guards and servants. As he proceeded to the door all were bowing in respect,it was like a home coming of a king. As he looked up to the building he could see his siblings and step mothers all were looking at him as he made his way to the entrance. Judging from what he saw,he could tell that Javier was yet to arrive because if he was ,he would have been among those standing waiting for his arrival to greet him.He was indeed his favorite,and just the idea of him not being there made him more sick
Chapter 15(Red Notification)
'Even Redmond Redington would have been proud of me'Rob thought to himself as he went back to his apartment. It was indeed a typical Rob move, taking action immediately wasn't really his strength. He do like to take his time to devise a plan that will crush and crumble anyone that needed to be tamed.As he was about to open his laptop he saw a red notice notification icon on his phone. He immediately paused as he thought of what could be the reason for the notification. The notification was only used by the Maniks during time of distress or urgency hence the receiver should treat with urgency.He was perturbed and curious at the same time so he called his uncle Lois but he couldn't reach out to him. He also called his step brother Javier and yet nothing. He immediately dashed into his bathroom and took off for his home,the Royale castle.The Royal castle,The Maniks castle is situated in Napes city a three hours ride from Lontor University.It was a long journey but still was even mad
Chapter 14(As you made your bed........
Rob got to his apartment tired and weak so he dozed of immediately landing on his bed. He woke up late the next morning despite his alarm clock ringing, reminding him that morning is due but still he couldn't help but get some good sleep.As he finally woke up,still on the bed he weakly stretched for his phone with his face still faced down,he was indeed tired. It was on a Saturday hence they was no lecture. As he got hold of his phone he saw some notifications so he immediately clicked on the icon and he read through it. It was his secretary,miss Elena,she sent him a message in reply to what he asked him to do. Rob had already forgotten but on seeing the text he was impressed on how efficient his secretary is.Miss Elena was appointed to Rob against his wish by his uncle,Lois Manik. At the time he grumbled against it,he didn't see the need for that but fast forward to now he was really impressed. Miss Elena was a graduate of Maryland University where she studied Economics. She was e
Chapter 13(Mr Reynold)
As the men ransacked him roughly he was calm and this in a way this made Mr Reynold nervous,how could someone be in his presence and in a threatening situation as he is and still be calm but still he swore within himself to teach him a lesson regardless.As they searched,one of the guys got hold of a black golden thick card which he immediately gave to his boss. Mr Reynold eye was wide open like one that have seen a ghost,he still maintained his calm and asked "how did you get hold of this,do you know who you are trying to impersonate?"this time he was relatively more gentle.Rob was silent and this made the environment so tensed for Mr Reynold,he was thinking'could this be the heir of Manik conglomerate,no way,it can't be, after all his goggled information said otherwise'he at that time realized that his time as a powerful person was hanging on a thread. If this young fella here is a Manik let alone the heir,he, Reynold will be done within a jiffy'.Although the young man was properl
Chapter 12 (The Auction 11)
As he sat down on one of the sits ,his sight caught a familiar figure. At first he thought it to be a mistake but as he sat his mind kept on racing on where he must have seen the face. 'It must be a mis judgement' he thought to himself as he brings his attention to the Auction.The bidding had already started, everyone trying to get hold of any possible attention."$2 million dollars!"the presenter shouted as he points to a man who had his bidding flag raised up."$2million dollars, anyone else?,seems like it is going home with you Mr Man"the presenter commented as he waits for any other bidder. This was the second Artifact being auctioned to the same person.Rob was not really interested at first but on seeing the bidding atmosphere,the elegance and victory in one bidding over the rest of the people he was ignited to get involved.Another Artifact was placed on the podium waiting for the presenter to draw the bidding line,he then presented "this is the original work of Marcello Leon th