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The Time Killer Prologue
Prologue When I began this, I promised myself I would write as complete and entertaining a lie as possible. After finishing, I believed I had carried out this promise. However, the company that would eventually print this insisted that I needed to include other details. They wanted the truth. I have never let something like the truth stand in the way of a good story. That means that in the following story some of the lies are true. Alternatively it means that several of the lies are true. You figure it out.* * *
The Time Killer One
August 20, 2020
The Time Killer Two
The next morning, technically the next afternoon, I awoke. The only thing about the previous twelve hours was the Willis’ deaths and the visit from the space guy. Digging in my shirt pocket, I retrieved it. It was roughly five inches square, although it seemed to have no controls on it. I was about to drop it back into my shirt when it seemed to come on. At what I would become familiar with, the video began with the location and year of the occurring event. &nbs
The Time Killer Three
Lexington, KY August 25, 2001 “I must catch him. That was the sole instructions I received” Ian told me.
The Time Killer Four
Domi-ium, First Cycle Past 9F “They call him the Time Killer. My brother.” In order to fully document the battle between Ian and his brother, Chan-Man had given me access to the Domi-ium files. At least as much as I needed. I never went to his planet. This was my first visit to his ship. “This ship is an ATOM 214. He has a new model, the 214s.” he told me on my
The Time Killer Five
New Orleans, Louisiana March 1919 Cain walked slowly toward his ship. Behind him lay Italian grocer Charles Cortimiglia, another victim of a serial killer who chose to use axes that he found at his victims’ homes to attack them. Cortimiglia would survive, but a dozen more would not be so lucky. Cain would drop a letter off to the local paper, the Times-Picayune, which read in part . . .” they have never caught me, and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the
The Time Killer Six
Domi-ium Second Cycle Past 456 When they were growing up, the two Gra brothers had been forced to spend a lot of time together. According to Domi-ium society, the mothe
The Time Killer Seven
Lexington, KY August 25, 2020, 4:32 a.m. The best treatment for insomnia, at least if you search online, consist of everything from an exam by your doctor, to sleep studies, to herbal medications. If you have chronic insomnia, as I do, one of the ways I deal with it is to search insomnia treatments online. I’m also learning to play five-string banjo, am teaching myself Latin, and taking online courses for both a culinary degree and to become an ASC Certified mechanic. &n
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Twenty One
Hoboken, New Jersey July 1841 Cain sat here because he had to think. When he began this, he had had a plan. “It was kill apes, create chaos. Then kill more apes. Then kill more apes. Finally, it was to kill the Ambassador.” Now, nothing was working exactly as it was supposed to. “First the Council decided on sending my younger brother to stop me. MY YOUNGER BROTHER THING!! He is a small picture guy. He has no concept of what I am doing. How DARE the Council believe they have the authority to stop me. No being has ever attempted to stop me.” “Next, the Ambassador DARES to give me orders.” “Lastly.” He stopped. He didn’t want to say it. “Lastly, thing, I have the beginnings of the Curse.” Thing laughed, silently but heartily. He stared at the wall in front of him. Spread out
Hoboken, New Jersey July 1841
Center of Universe +0-
Quadrant 7 Ian had stopped the ship. “It is time I fill you in,” he said. In front of us was an image of the earth. “How familiar are you with your planet’s mythology?” “You mean like Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster?” “I mean what is known as the Bible.” ”Wait right there, buster
Lexington, KYOctober 27, 1961 This murder would be the one that would initially get my attention and put Lexington on my radar for places to move to. But what I wouldn’t find out until many years later is that this murder is the only one that was planned many years earlier. And was done so WITH THE INTENT of getting me involved. I can assume that Muah, being the one who gave Cain the idea to kill, is also the one who wanted me involved. But why me? I come from common stock, as some call it. He never finished high school, and neither did his parents. But dad never needed school. He w
Domi-ium Second Cycle Past 9F The Ambassador had gone to his
Planet Belli-ium  
Domi-ium Juonio
November 22, 1963 More than a dozen doctors, nurses, technicians moved efficiently around each other in Trauma Room 1. That dozen also included Cain, who had slipped into a pair of scrubs. To the dozen were members of the Secret Service, FBI, military brass, and most likely intelligence agents. Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara would also pop into the room from time to time.