17: A Tracker known for its own darkness

Elena Dunbar could be seen putting on a pink shirt with Blue Jeans looking sexy and beautiful like a goddess, Her glittering blue eyes subjected the six figures into bowing down before her, Her prowess alone seems to be a powerful force which made the six figures weak and powerless. 

" Great hath thou oh great princess of the Vietims " One of the figures spoke out solemnly causing her to smile, With one snap of her finger she turned rocks into huge rock monsters causing the six figures into gasping in shock. 

" Seems my powers are in other my little demons, Creating rock monsters is among my thing and I am beginning to wonder how many years have been in slumber all this while, do any of you have an explanation to that? " Elena asked and they nodded. 

" Your grace you have been in slumber for twenty two years since the attacks of the Wendigos, Hunters worldwide embarked on a journey to find and capture you because you were the last of

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