26: Dark Knight

Tik Tok!

Tik Tok!

The City Hall exploded as Numerous beings with blue glowing eyes trooped into the Hall in a Hurry, Sharp fangs sprouted out likewise sharp powerful and deadly claws, Metal suited men with Assault rifles opened fire simultaneously without sighting the target. 

The Figured recognized to be Betas dived down from the roof top while some broke into the building through the windows, Bloodshed filled the entire hall as the Metal suited men were ripped apart by the betas. 

Fast approaching Light footsteps could be heard from the door angle, The Door broke into pieces leaving the humans with metal armours shocked to see a being with dark red eyes, Dark fangs and Claws.. His prowess sends fear down to their spines for he is the True Alpha, Mr Edward Montero....! 

" Hello Hunters " Mr Montero called out, Wearing that creepy but deadly smile plastered on his face which revealed his bloody fangs, He has succeeded i

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