37: The End is yet to come

Crimson High

Welcome back to crimson high, The home to the deadly and poisonous fellows, Students flocked around the school premises, gisting among themselves... Showcasing their love lives or bullying does weaklings.

A blue convertible drove into the School, The Vehicle caught the attention of the students within, Jace Robert came out of the convertible, looking hot and sexy, His dressings caught the girls drooling.. While the boys were wondering how Jace became this big. 

A black motorcycle drove into the School premises two minutes after Jace Robert arrived with his blue convertible, Marcus took off his helmet with smiles beaming from his face, It's good to be back to school. 

" You are two minutes late bro, I thought you said motorcycles are more faster than cars... Seems you guessed wrong " Jace said in a mocking manner, Marcus scoffed with a deep frown. 

" Of course motorcycles are more faster, it's just that I br

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