45: Ebraka del Destructor

Everything went back to normal, Marcus is back to his pack with no single memory of what happened back then in the woods, Mr Montero the only one who brought them from the woods has all the memories of the murder scene in the woods. 

By now I am perfectly sure all the Skyfall policemen must have flooded the woods, The murder scene drew more attention from the world as it displayed on the Skyfall daily news, Mr Montero heaved slightly as he stared at the two unconscious beings lying beside him. 

" Aren't you gonna wake them up honey, It's already three days now and they are still asleep " Mrs Montero half yelled, She meant to wake Jace and Marcus from their slumber but Mr Montero drawed her back and he kissed her. 

" Honey let them be, They are instruments of both darkness and light... We don't know how to explain all this things to them, I placed them in slumber in other to think straight, They are no strange crazy maniacs, Whatever

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