59: Its all about war

👺👺👺Anihilators Underground Base👹👹👹

The Elevator beeped open, Rick Chevolet and Ross Vladimir walked out of the Elevator with smiles beaming from their respective faces, Before them, Behind them and Beside them were men in black with an intercom in their ears. 

The men in black suits led the two most feared hunters into the underground base not letting them out of their sights, Nights fury and The death warrior are forces to be recokened with, Ross decided to dwell In jail for the meantime. 

" Welcome Mr Ross and Mr Rick " A masculine baritone voiced spoke up, They halted to see Mr Osborn coming their way with smiles beaming from his face, Beside him were hefty bouncers with weapons. 

" You know something Mr Osborn, No matter the armies you buy to guard your lazy wolf hunting ass, If there is a bounty placed on you... Then I will surely kill that fvcking ass of yours without even hurting your men " Rick said with a danger

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