73: Bitches have to die

Lightning strucked down from the sky, Screeching sounds could be heard from afar, Collins and Marcus are spotted in the woods roaming around happily, They we're laughing, Giggling and gisting about stuffs. 

" You know life has been pretty hard for us all, We dropped out from school to be in the dark, Hiding from hunters around in other to ilive, Sometimes I do regret why I am a werewolf from the start " Marcus said with his hands tugged into his pocket. 

" You are not the only one that regrets been born into a wolf family Marcus, I am also regretting why I am a supernatural, I watched my mother, My sister and my little brother butchered by those deadly hunters... "

" Even if I am to die, At least I will die in peace after I slaughter those hunters, I will make their bloods flow, Stain the rivers and seas... I will make them beg for their lives before killing them, That's my promise " Collins uttered, With so much hatred in his voice... Th

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