78: More powerful than ever

Mysterious smiled deviously, He stood akimbo with his eyes gazing down at the dark smokes coming out of the dimension crust, He has already succeeded in splitting the dimension into two to activate his dark plans. 

" Are you sure this is the right thing to do master? " Storm asked with fear in his voice. 

" This is the right thing to do storm, I don't care what you say or warn me.. Nature made me to do this and I am going to do it, Getting out of the diverse Multiverse, I have caused an unbalance, Now it's time to bring in my father's pet " Mysterious said with pride. 

The ground vibrated vigorously, Shrieking sounds boomed from the splitted areas of the dimension, A gateway for mysterious to bring in his father's creatures the bat monsters to wreck havoc on this dimension. 

" Just a little more thing to do, I will cause my father's wrath into this world, My dark plans to absorb this dimension will soon be completed " Mys

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