Chapter 392

At a time when everyone was confused and had no idea how to overcome this, suddenly Leone said he had a solution. Of course, this surprised and intrigued everyone about the plan Leone had in mind.

All waited for Leone’s answers to the questions in their hearts.

“I will contact the Minister of Defense and ask him to mediate in this matter. As the highest leader in the country in the military field, he should be able to persuade Master Lee to disband his association again. Or at least not interfere with us and only be a city association that will still be under our influence,” explained Leone.

The members present looked at each other. Some felt it was a brilliant idea, but others doubted if it would work well. Antonio, including one who had doubts.

“Can the Minister of Defense help? Even though he is the highest leader in the military, it’s just on paper. The ultimate leader is still a War God. He may be just a two-star general, but the entire military fully supports him, including the
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