Chapter Twelve: Run.

"Make sure you hide." Martha said and wrapped her arms round her husband.


"Go Now!" Derek yelled." I love you."

"I love you sweatheart." Martha said trying to hide her tears. "Now go." She said looking at her daughter one more time before facing the window.

Lindsey glanced at her parents who held unto themselves before being dragged away by Karen as they ran upstairs through her many series of protest. If only she knew that was the last time she would be seeing her parents alive.

"Come on we need to hide." Karan said in fright.

"I can't, I need to go to my mum and dad." Lindsey replied looking towards where her parents are as she shivers in fear .

"Am sure your parents will want you to hide." Muttered Karen with tears dripping down her eyes."Do you know a safe place to hide?" She mumble.

"Yea yeah." Lindsey stutter as she finally moved away from the door,she walked towards her closet with fear as she shakily moved the clothes out of the way revealing a lock door,she quickly ty
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