Any Last Words?

"Oh my! Roland?" Anthony gasps in shock.

Roland's bruises were exposed to Anthony's gaze.

Seeing the young man's startled expression, Roland chuckled. "You seem surprised to see me!"


Anthony lowered his gaze as he felt guilty for what he did to Roland. His obsession and over-possession took the better of him.

"You punched me in the face severally. If only I recognized you earlier." Roland yelled angrily and spat on Anthony's face.

Anthony cursed Roland as he spat back at him. "You stupid man!"


Roland snapped his fingers at one of his men and they brought him a chair to sit on, opposite Anthony.

He was ready to have a man-to-man discussion with Anthony. Like a detective interrogating a criminal.

Roland told his men to stay put and not let their guards down.

"You better behave well, know what comes next," Roland warned Anthony, glaring at him with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want from me, Roland?" Anthony was trembling, he struggled to break free fro
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