68. System change the rules

[You have spent 50 million dollars to upgrade Flora beach into a tourist destination]

[You received 25 million dollars into your personal account]

[The remaining money in your personal account is currently 100,780,000$]

[Your personal money has reached more than 100 million dollars]

[You have leveled up!]

[Name: Kaiden Grayson]

[Age: 19 years old]

[Level: 5]

[Strength: 5 (+1)]

[Intelligence: 6 (+1)]

[Agility: 6 (+1)]

[Appearance: 7 (+1)]

[Every time you level up, your strength, agility, intelligence and appearance also increase by one level]

[Since you have leveled up, there will now be new conditions for you]

[To level up next, you must earn 20 points from doing missions]

[Missions will be determined by the system]

[You can use your personal money and the skills you have earned with to do some missions]

[The system store has opened!]

[You can sell what's inside the system store after purchasing the selling license]

Kaiden was dizzy from all the notifications that appeared in front of
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