70. Finally divorced

[You've leveled up!]

[Name: Kaiden Grayson]

[Age: 19]

[Level: 6]

[Strength: 6 (+1)]

[Intelligence: 7 (+1)]

[Agility: 7 (+1)]

[Appearance: 8 (+1)]

[Each level up, strength, agility, intelligence and appearance also increase by one level]

[As a level-up reward, you are entitled to choose one of three skill options]

[1. C-level truth-seeing skill]

[2. C-level running skill]

[3. Rock climbing skill level D]

Kaiden was very confused about choosing a new skill, but he was very curious about number one, so he chose the truth-seeing skill.

[Since this skill requires customization, the process will be implemented immediately]


It seemed like a long process, so Kaiden chose to listen to Anita's full story.

The woman said that she married for love, or at least that's what she believed.

However, it turned out that after the marriage, her husband changed. He didn't want to work at all, didn't want to help her with the housework either, and certainly did nothing but tell her what to do.

He a
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