The Ultimate Quest
The Ultimate Quest
Author: Roseblaze
Chapter 1.


In this Modern time people awakened with superhuman ability ruled the world. Those who passed the awakening process were divided into three fractions. The first sect are called the psychics, they are super intelligent and have the ability to communicate using telepathy. The second sect are the Dauntless, they are tough, fearless and brave and lastly are the Dynamics which have the power to manipulate forces and also move objects according to their will. They were given superior authority over the common people whose sole responsibility was to serve. However in certain seasons human entities were invaded by alien beings and because of their divergent nature they were considered a threat to the society and were to be killed on sight. No one knew where these alien creatures came from but the humans wondered if the invasion of these alien beings was their salvation from their oppressors or it was only to aid their destruction.


"You failed the test,"


"You failed the aptitude test. You are a normal,"

Benjamin Carson recalled the words of the scientist who had performed the test on him earlier the previous day. He recalled all the plans he intended to accomplish when he was given a fraction. It was like a life plan being washed away in one minute. This was the reason his father advised never to build a great future on an uncertain foundation.

Benjamin's fears of returning to the humiliation he was enduring in College kept him restless throughout the night. This was his only opportunity to join a powerful community, this was his only opportunity to live above the reach of his advisors.

How did I get here? Benjamin Carson thought to himself, holding on to his pillow with his eyes on the ceiling.

Knock! Knock!

He turned to the door to see his mother Lisa standing by the doorpost, her countenance was bright as usual, at least that has been her routine ever since his father's death.

"Good morning darling, How was your night?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"It was fine," Benjamin replied, then pulled his feet down the bed. He glanced up to the wall clock which was already a few minutes past seven.

"Shit! I'm already late," He whispered as he jerked off the bed. He hastened to the wardrobe, took out his black Jean trousers, white top and white sneakers as he swung them on the bed then turned back to his mother who had been speaking the entire time.

"Were you even listening to all I've been saying?" She asked.

He lifted his eyebrows slightly. "Yes… but I'm sorry I am really late right now," He hastened out of the room. When he had taken a few quick steps he turned around to her. "Mom, you know you don't have to keep doing this, I am okay the real you and I don't want you to change anything about that," He said then left for the bathroom.

"I don't know what you mean by that but, when you're done your meal is on the dining table," She said aloud.

Some minutes later he walked into his bedroom, dressed up as he left downstairs to the sitting room.

"Benjamin," His mother called from over the dinning and he turned to her. "You haven't had breakfast yet," She said.

"I am a late mom, I promise to eat something when I get to school," He answered.

Attending lectures wasn't pleasant for Benjamin seeing there were many grievances but since this was his second year in college he had learnt to take being bullied as his normal routine.

He was treated spitefully by his peers because of his mother's financial status. After his father's death one year ago his mother had to take up everything including clearing the house rent bills and his school fees and as a result of this her finances crashed drastically.

He arrived at school that morning on his bicycle and hopping off he locked it to a wood in the parking lot where motorcycles were usually kept then ran off into the building.

Passing through the hallway he barged into the classroom. The place was rowdy and everyone was already seated down.

"Hey everyone, look it's Benjamin Carson the poor boy!" One of them alarmed with his finger pointing at Benjamin.

Immediately after his comment someone approached from behind as he poured a coffee on his head and everyone burst out laughter.

Benjamin shut his eyes at the sound of their mockery while the spills of coffee ran down from his head to his shirt.

"Get out of my way you freak," Another said, shouldering him as he passed gallantly with the company of three other boys. At the appearance of the four young men the entire crowd of students began to jubilate. They were the idols of everyone in the university, they were also very wealthy and talented.

It wasn't that everyone in his department hated him. Most of them hated how he was being treated but no one dared to intervene or want to become friends with him because they were afraid that they would get to be treated the same way he is.

Benjamin endured the grief convincing himself that this wasn't the first time he was being humiliated even though he knew that the bullying was getting worse by the day.

He strolled down to the vacant seat, sat down and when the lecturer who was to treat that course walked inside the noise died off.

The lecture went on just like any other day but the memory of what happened earlier kept replaying in his mind that he found it difficult to concentrate. He thought about reporting the case to the school authorities but what difference would it make? He knew the school very well and how much they trivialize such matters. It almost seemed like the authorities were the backbone of the chains of wickedness ongoing in the school, also adding to the fact that the authorities had their fractions.

Later in the day when the lectures were over Benjamin left the classroom as he headed outside the lecture hall. All he wanted was to head back home and forget about everything but when he got to the place he packed his bike he stopped in shock at what he saw.

His bicycle was ripped apart, every piece was littered abroad leaving just the front tire to the shackles of the chains he used to secure it.

This was his only aid to arrive at school on time, it was the last gift he received from his father before his death but now it's destroyed.

Tears clouded his eyes as he stared at the ruins of his bike. His eyes burned in anger and his heart was filled with vengeance.

'I will make sure whoever did this pays, I won't let this slide,' he thought to himself as he clenched his fists.

Still bitter, he heard the sound of people laughing. He looked around at them in anger and just twenty feet away he spotted the four rich young men who were considered idols in the school. One of them was with a stick in his hands while another was holding the back wheels of his bike.

"Hey! Give that back!" He exclaimed in anger as he approached, quickly snatching the bicycle tire from them. "Were you the ones who did that to my bike?" he asked.

"Yes of course you freak. Everyone needs to be put in their place and you belong in the dirt," Their leader replied.

Steered up in anger Benjamin threw a punch to his face and at the strike of his fist the others attacked him. Throwing him to the floor they beat him up mercilessly using the wood and their feet on the vital parts of his body with the intention to leave him lifeless.

They beat him up to the point he could no longer lift his head and when they were satisfied they collected everything of value he had and spitting on him they left the scene.

Benjamin struggled to breathe as he stretched his hand hoping for someone to intervene but there was no one.

His face was covered in blood while he watched everyone leave one after another. "Help me please…" He wobbled faintly with his hands quivering.

It was already past six in the evening. The clouds formed and after a few thunder strikes it began to rain. The rain washed his wounds as his blood mingled with the waters.

He could taste the stings of death but left alone all he could think of was his poor mother. What would she do if he never returned home today? He thought to himself and when he was about giving up he heard.

[Host found]

Uncertain of what it was that spoke to him he opened his eyes hoping to see someone but there was no one.

[Host: Benjamin Carson. Age: Nineteen. Host is in a fatal condition and need saving]

"Please… save me," He mumbled, still unaware of what was speaking to him.

[Permission granted. System activated.]

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