Chapter 7

Although Edward thought that Maddy would not help the Franks sign a cooperation contract with T.D Corporation, when he heard that Louis wanted him to give up the position of director to Maddy, he was not happy.

“That's Ok. But you lose, and the whole Maddy family has to leave.”


Louis replied, then he led Maddy into T.D Corporation to sign a cooperation contract.

“Louis, how can you bet with Edward? Your friend is just the branch manager's secretary, not sure if he can be signed. You do that how do I talk to my parents?”

Maddy angrily confronts Louis.

“Do not worry. The contract I will help you, don't worry.”

Louis holds a Patek Philippe watch hidden in the cuff of his shirt, now the entire T.D group in G.T province is up to him. Cancel or cooperate with the Frank family, as long as he says it.

On the other hand, Edward wasn't about to wait either.

“I talked with Director Axel last night and agreed to have a meal at the Haizaa Hotel at noon today.”

“Louis, do you really think I didn't prepare anything, I just did it on purpose. The other two want to sign a contract, what a dream.”

Edward and Farah talked and laughed as they walked. The other people walking behind heard this and praised him for his cleverness. Madame Fidelia, passing by, heard these words and also went in and praised Edward:

“Good job. I got an appointment with Director Axel so quickly, I'm very happy.”

Fidelia has high expectations for Edward, even if he does a little bit of work, he will be praised. But to Maddy, she was always cold, never giving compliments. This is an old-fashioned belief, that values men over women.

“Thank you grandma for the compliment. Just now I was below the company that made a bet with Maddy…”

Edward spoke just now to Fidelia. After listening to Fidelia, directly said:

“No problem. I'll let you take control, if you succeed, I'll get the whole Maddy family out of Frank's house.”

“And Maddy...”

“Also chased.”

“Thank you, grandma.”

Fidelia loves Edward, so always supports his decisions. As for the Maddy family, Fidelia is very disliked, give them some money and then runs away. Just as Edward was smiling smugly, a middle-aged man entered the meeting room. He was none other than the Axel Edward had just mentioned.

“Director Axel, we had a meeting for lunch, why did you come to the company so early?”

Edward saw Axel quickly stand up and say hello.

“No need. After we finished talking, it was not too late to go to the hotel to have dinner.”

Axel picked up a stack of documents and placed them on the table, immediately attracting the attention of the Franks.

“This is a new contract. And here's the breach of contract, $10 million. Everyone sees signs here to help me.”

“What? This is a new contract of T.D Group?”

Hearing this, Fidelia panicked and trembled.

Edward was happy, he didn't think cooperating with T.D Corporation would be so easy. If that's the case, he'd already beat Maddy. He opened the document and looked at it, the smile on his face immediately closed. And Fidelia was the same way, she trembled after seeing the contract.

“Director Axel, is this contract a mistake?”

“I am Not mistaken.”

Axel looked at the contract again, answering.

“How can that be true? Does the contract state that the main collaborator is Maddy, not Louis?”

Fidelia, in disbelief, took the contract to question Axel.

“What is this?”

Edward looked at Axel in panic.

“Maddy is not the person in charge of cooperation of the Frank group of you? She asked me to ask T.D Corporation to continue to cooperate with the Frank family.”

Axel pretends to be stupid, Louis asked him to show up here to upset the Franks.

At this point, everyone is curiously looking at the contract, wanting to see the content.

Because no one can believe this, did Maddy really get T.D Corporation to cooperate with the Franks again?

But everyone was amazed, at why Maddy was able to do this.


Edward was angry.

He feels that Maddy has slept with Axel, to get the cooperation contract. Otherwise, how could Maddy make T.D Corporation cooperate with the Franks? Edward remembered that he had bet with Maddy if Maddy wins, he has to resign as director and let Maddy do it.

And now it has come true.

Seeing the silence of the Franks, Axel continued:

“If Maddy isn't in charge of the Frank family's department store, then this contract won't count.”

“Maddy is the man in charge of our Frank's department store. There's nothing wrong with this contract.”

Although Fidelia don't like Edward, this contract will make Frank's department store thrive. And she had no other choice.

“We also hope to continue to cooperate with the Frank family.”

Axel smiled and talked to the Frank family.

Before leaving the conference room, he walked up to Edward and patted him on the shoulder, and said:

“Edward, everything is fine. At noon today, we went to the hotel we said earlier to eat at. There, Louis and Maddy are waiting for everyone.”

“Louis and Maddy were there before? Do you want me to invite guests?”

Edward was surprised and angry.

“In the same house, in the same company, it's normal to invite each other to dinner.”

Axel pretended to be stupid, said.

What happened today was also because Louis told Axel. Axel was the one Edsel appointed as director, so he also knew that Louis was the new man to run the company.

Edward didn't want to go but he knew he couldn't help but respect Axel, so he could only agree. After Axel left, the Frank family board was empty of outsiders. At this point, Edward is very angry and he doesn't know why is so angry and he doesn't know why Maddy was able to convince T.D Corporation to sign a contract with the Franks.

“Grandma, this morning at the office door, I saw Maddy wearing a black silk dress. Grandma knows that she rarely wears sexy clothes to work, but today she did. Also, how could Axel be able to come here and sign a contract with us in just an hour? I speculate, Maddy most likely seduced Axel.”

“Maddy, she's really shameless, the Frank family. To get the contract, she does not give up tricks.”

Edward said these words, intentionally trying to slander Maddy in front of everyone.

Everyone present understood what he said, especially Fidelia felt very uncomfortable when her granddaughter dared to do such an act. Maddy is a married woman, but she dared to seduce Axel for the sake of a contract, if anyone knew about this, the Franks wouldn't know where to hide.

Everyone assumed that Maddy was having an affair and that Louis had two huge horns on his head.

“Oh my god, I can't believe Maddy would do such a thing.”

“She's so brazen...”

Everyone in the Frank family was indignant, they felt it was not because they were incompetent, but because Maddy had used a way to seduce men to get the contract. Doing such a thing would embarrass the Franks.

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