Chapter 167

Waiting felt like eternity, but Mason was just simply grateful to have his friend there even if he had persuaded them to return home but was promptly ignored of course. He was still glad. Glad he did not have to go through something like this alone, it would have been a nightmare to be honest.

Mason stared at the time, the surgery had been going on for about two hours now, but he refused to think negatively, he could not really afford it, so he sat still and told himself that they were only doing what needed to be done.

He picked up the drink Young had bought finally, he needed to stay hydrated, so he threw it down his throat, grimacing in the process as it burned him while going down. And he sniffed, his throat dry, he did not like that so much time had passed by it was becoming worrisome.

“Don't worry. It sometimes takes this long you know.” Young offered and Mason nodded at him with a grateful smile, his friends were everything. He had no idea how he would have survived the turmoil
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