
When I paced down to father, I met him snoring and lying carelessly on the cold ground with a sizeable bag serving as pillow. Through the flash of lightning I could see his teary face and I could tell the baldy had dried up his tears gland with weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I controlled my wailing as I wept under my breath, daring not to arouse his sorrowful countenance again. Spring wasn’t friendly. The cold misty wind often blew at us with the shivering effect really scary. I gazed upon father and our property and wondered how much of such ruins would befall us.

I thought I wasn’t going to stay up all night but as soon as my eyes became heavy, a striking, clapping sound of thundering broke out and without gross hesitation a heavy down pour ensued. I flinched and father did same but with at a quicker pace.

“It is raining!” I murmured and lost in my gloom; whether to tend to my father or our property. I glanced around and there was no shelter at eyeshot. We were stranded in the dark
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