Kyle lays in a pool of his blood, groaning from the pain inflicted on him.

Jodie walks into the living room and gasps.

"Sir, what happened to you?" She drops everything on her hand and kneels by his side.

"They robbed me, those fuckers."

"Who, who robbed you?"

"His name is Tommy, he and his gang goes around robbing rich people." Kyle lies.

"I never heard of that before."

Even in pain, broken and beaten, Kyle still belittles those that work for him.

"You bitch, does he have to be known to be robbing people. He took all my jewelry, and I want it back!"

The woman sighs and helps Kyle to his feet.

Jodie still doesn't know why she is working for him. All he does is complain and threaten to hurt her or get her fired.

If she hadn't been so desperate for work, she wouldn't be stuck in a place like that. Doing things she isn't comfortable doing.

"I guess this isn't the best time to tell you that Saywer's Business Consultant Co will no longer be yours in a few months' time."

"What does that mea
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