"You can't possibly blame me for all this."

Liam sighs and says, “How can I not blame you? Those people were lying on my name and you were helping them.”

“If you were in my position you would have understood.”

"I have been in your position, and never have I shit on someone just to get by."

Mercedes moves away to tend to another customer before coming back to Liam.

"Well, maybe we are different."

"You sure got that right. Tell me, did you get the money they claim they would pay you."

Mercedes frown at him.

"Exactly, you did all that for nothing."

"Piss off Liam."

Liam shrugs and continue drinking.

"You're right, I did all that for nothing. No I have no money for my mother's treatment. And I'm afraid the apartment we are in will be taken from us too, now that I'm pregnant its much harder."

Hearing this, Liam shakes his head. "How do you think you are going to get help now? What is your plan?"

"I have no idea what I'm going to do."

"I don't know what to tell you."

"Can't you help me in s
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