He had to retract as he crept back into his fold where he was lying earlier.

The assassins had no hesitation to kill another person as the same guy who had shot the innocent lady earlier pointed the gun at the next lady who was kneeling.

The next lady was a brown-skinned lady with freckles across her face and lovely blue eyes. She was loved by many because of her jovial nature but there she was, at the edge of death.

The whole crowd of guests was put in a state of shock, bodies legs trembling with a horrified shake of fear as they were about to witness yet another innocent person die at the hands of the assassins.

The lady begged for her life, her voice filled with pity and helplessness. “Please reconsider your decision. I’m begging for my life, please listen, please. I am pleading with you.”

The assassin laughed scornfully. “Hahaha, it's such a shame that a gorgeous bright lady like you has to die though but you shouldn’t blame me. You should blame Jamie, whoever he is—”

The lady cut in with a pleading cry, her sobs wracking her body helplessly. “I don't know him I swear. He must be one of those CEOs who are always under the radar and allow the others to be more visible.”

“It doesn't matter to me whether you know him or not. What matters is that you and perhaps a few other persons have to die for Jamie to recover from his pride and heed our call.”

The lady was begging more desperately, trying to fight the death that was coming inevitably to her.

“Please, I beg of you, sir. Please I am begging you to have some heart and spare me.”

The assassin’s hands hovered over the trigger as he prepared to press on it. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a heart so yeah, you asked wrongly.”

The secretary guy who had pleaded with Jamie saw as the situation was unfolding.

His heart broke at the sight of those who had already died just because Jamie refused to surrender to the assassins.

Now, would the young lady begging for her life also die?

His stomach churned and his conscience cried out as a mix of emotions threatened to overwhelm him. Would he just watch as the lady died just like the others were killed?

His eyes were troubled and there was a conflict inside of him as he thought of snitching on Jamie. If everyone around him who had identified him as Jamie was scared of exposing him, then he was going to do it.

He wouldn't just let more innocent souls perish because someone was too proud to surrender.

He had tried to convince Jamie into doing the right thing after all but since he was so adamant and believed that his life was more worthy than that of others, he had to take matters into his own hands.

He watched keenly as the assassin rounded his fingers to the trigger of the gun in readiness to shoot. It was as if the scene was playing right in front of him.

With a burst of tension, he sprang to his feet his eyes fierce and his gaze intense as he spoke out loudly. “Don’t kill her!”

The assassins all turned at once to see who was talking, their gazes all pointed in the same direction.

The lead assassin signaled that the guy who was going to kill retracted from killing the lady.

“Please don’t kill her,” the secretary guy spoke out loud again.

He was ready to let the killings end once and for all. Since the assassins had mentioned four persons - Jamie being the last, he was ready to help them in completing their mission if it meant that more innocent souls wouldn't be lost.

The crowd also turned, their heads swiveling to focus on the man who stood up, their attention an all-consuming force that put the man in the spotlight.

The lead assassin marched forward, each footstep pronouncing authority until he was in front of the man.

Jamie’s heart was caught in his throat as he saw everything that was unfolding. He knew that he was about to be exposed and his brain was just completely bereft of ideas at that moment. He was doomed for sure.

“Now, tell me what you have to say,” the lead assassin spoke.

The man took a deep breath, trying to think through his decision one last time but there wasn't much of a choice at that moment. He had already called the assassins’ attention and there was no turning back.

“I know where Jamie is,” he revealed.

“Now, here is someone who has something brain,” the lead assassin responded before laughing haughtily. “Why don’t you tell me where he is.”

The man turned towards Jamie, his face looking indifferent as he pointed to him so that the assassins could go get him.

Immediately the assassins identified Jamie, they lunged forward, their movements swift and deadly as they seized him by the scruff.

Their aggression was a powerful and all-consuming force as Jamie could only beg for mercy. “Please, I beg you. I will give you anything you want. Just don't hurt me. Please, I will give you any amount of money you need. I have money. I will—”

The lead assassin was provoked by Jamie’s reliance on his money as a tool to sway them away from taking him captive. He quickly rushed towards Jamie as he was being pulled by the other assassins.

With a quick motion, the lead assassin sent several punches to his jaw.

Thump! Thump!


Jamie’s face was swollen and bruised as he ached with every blow. His gums bled with pain and his efforts to protect his face were very futile.

“What do you think we are?” The lead assassin gnarled, his teeth clenched in anger. “Do you think we are just some cheap criminals, haha?”

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