The assassins soon emerged from the vehicle with a predatory, confident stride as they scanned the surroundings before dragging the captives along in their wake.

Their strength was a powerful force that left Anna, Allison, and Kenneth very weak. They had run out of even the energy to beg for their lives.

Oscar was battle-ready though. His senses were heightened, his eyes closed and his body unmoving as he waited for the perfect moment to launch his strike.

Brian launched forward, his hands stretched as he tried to drag Oscar out of the vehicle but he was met with a slight resistance that eventually grew into something he never bargained for.

Oscar burst into action with explosive speed as he yanked Brian’s gun off him with a powerful force.

Pow! Pow!

With a strong force, Oscar pulled the trigger and Brian fell to the ground, his head blown out at the sound of the bullet.

Within only two seconds, Oscar took down three of the assassins in a single volley. His speed was quite potent and his precision was with the grace of a professional killer.

Ahhh! Urrhghhhh! Rrrgghh!

Three men fell to the ground in an instant and there was sudden chaos everywhere.

The assassins scampered like cockroaches as they took hiding spots in and around the bushy area.

They knew that the gunshots were coming from Oscar but they weren't quite sure where Oscar was.

There were five assassins left, including Raphael and their leader Zingo.

They took hiding spots by the bushy swamp, pointing their guns toward the direction where Oscar was shooting from.

“Where is he? Where is he shooting from?”

“We will find him. Just keep your eyes straight.”

“Don’t lose track of your concentration.”

“Hey, come over here quickly. I’ll cover you from here.”

“Come on, you are slightly open where you are standing. Get on!”

The assassin’s movements were frantic and disorganized as they struggled to find cover. Their expression was a mix of shock and terror as they didn't understand the quietness that now ensued.

They still weren't sure where the gunfire came from. They could have guessed that it was from the sedan vehicle because that was where Brian dragged Oscar from but it still wasn't enough proof.

Their minds were overtaken with terror because they wondered how Oscar was so quick with his attack.

They had thought that he was unconscious and they shrugged off every concern that he could pose a threat but they didn't bargain for a shootout.

The captives, Anna, Allison, and Keneth had their mouths hung open in surprise as they also scampered like cockroaches in the dark of the evening.

They moved to a different path in the bushes, their hands hovering over their heads in protection as they reeled at the impact of the gunshots.

Keneth saw the moment as a good time to escape from the god-forsaken place. He had spent so much time regretting why he even came to the event where he was kidnapped in the first place.

His eyes darted with a frantic flicker of haste as he readied his feet to move in a direction that was covered with bushes and swamp - almost everywhere was covered with thick bushes anyway apart from the dry ground through which the assassins had driven through.

“Where are you going, Kenneth?” Anna asked, her head moving with nervous energy as she feared what could happen if Kenneth tried to escape.

“What do you think, Anna?” Kenneth’s eyes were fixed ahead. Even though he was quite scared, he relished the opportunity to escape. “This is the best time for us to get out of here. Jamie was with us not long ago. Where is he now? He escaped and I had to escape too. You both can stay here if you wish.”

“Just be careful though,” Allison spoke, her voice filled with concern as she hoped that Kenneth might get through with his intention.

Her eyes were wide, her expression a mix of concern and anxiety as she hoped that she was Kenneth was going further ahead.

If Kenneth was able to get further ahead, it would give her a lot of confidence to be able to prosecute her intentions.

Kenneth moved his feet in an attempt to slip into the shadows but there was a huge eruption behind him.


Kenneth fell to the ground in a heap, blood spilling from his body. He had been shot by one of the assassins when they noticed that he was trying to escape.

Anna and Allison quickly ran away from the corner spot where Kenneth fell, the blood spilling on their faces to their utmost terror.

Their only hope was on Oscar to win the gun battle against the assassins

The conversations between the assassins continued as they sought to take out Oscar.

“Take him out now! Shoot at the wedge area beside the vehicle.”

Pow! Pow! Boom!

The fences in and around the vehicle were struck by bullets and the smell of gunfire filled the air.

“Raph, just keep shooting. You will get him.”

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