10. A Billion-Dollar Decision
"Wait for a while," Leonard's words halted their step.

Leonard leaned in closer, his smile oozing arrogance.

"Sophia," he began, his voice low and greasy, "you don’t understand how things work around here. I’m giving you a golden opportunity. Don’t be foolish."

Sophia stood her ground, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"I’ve already said no," she replied, her tone firm.

"I’m not interested in your kind of deal. Stop repeating the same thing."

Leonard’s face darkened.

"You think you’re better than this?" he sneered.

"Do you have any idea how many women would kill for a chance like this?"

Linda, standing next to him, chimed in, "Sophia, don’t be so naive. Think about the benefits. Think about your family. This could change everything for them."

Sophia shook her head.

"I don’t care," she said sharply.

"I’m not doing it."

Elijah stepped forward, his expression cold.

"Sophia, don’t waste your breath on these lowlifes," he said.

"They’re not worth your time."

Leonard’s eyes flicked to Elijah,
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