chapter 195: His Plan


Jack knew he was facing yet another enemy and this one was not like the others who reared their heads like a dangerous viper ready to strike. This enemy was cunning and smart and like Camila's word said, Within.

Who could it be?

Camila's words only made it more obvious that it was someone close to him that leaked their new products to the enemies of the Carter but who would he suspect?

Everyone that was really close to him, he trusted with his life. Yes, he couldn't be killed but that was beside the point. He trusted them to that extent.

Right now, it was just a speculation, he needed a plan to really be sure if there was indeed a mole in his inner circle.

A plan started to brew in his mind go fish out who it was, so he called an inner circle meeting to see if this plan would work.

“I'm guessing you all know why I called this meeting but if you don't, let me start off by telling you exactly why. Two months ago, we gathered at a meeting like this to discuss the development
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