"Well, let me give a brief biography of myself. I'm 26 years old. I studied Business Development at the University, and I've been a CEO for well over seven years now," Michael said, then he paused for a while.

"What if she finds out that I was sacked as the CEO of 'The Class of Verity'? Oh, I shouldn't have told her that I've been a CEO," Michael regretted himself. He was afraid that Elsie could try to probe further in getting more facts about him being a CEO, and he didn't want her to ask him any questions about that.

"Wow! So you have been a CEO for over seven years now? That sounds interesting. I envy you... So tell me, what company do you work for?" Elsie asked Michael, with eagerness in her eyes.

She knew Michael was from a comfortable home, and her mother once told her that Michael was the CEO of a company, but she never told her how many years Michael had spent being a CEO, or what company he presided on as a CEO. Michael could tell that Elsie would try to probe further, so h
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