008 - Funeral

I quickly showered, changed clothes, and decided not to touch my breakfast. My stomach still felt full, and I had no appetite to eat. I came out of the room and was immediately greeted by Preston.

"Are you ready, Mr. Theo?" Preston checked again before we left the hotel.

"Yes, I am." I nodded my head confidently.

"Please," Preston said, motioning for me to go ahead.

We took the elevator down to the basement and got into the car. Not to forget, Preston helped me open and close the car door. "Thank you."

Preston jumped into the driver's seat, and we headed straight for the cemetery. During the trip, I stared at the city streets, which were already packed with vehicles. I still feel very empty and can't believe that now I'm heading to my mother's funeral. Whereas yesterday I just got a job and am struggling to meet my mother's surgery needs.

"Mr. Theo wants to stop by to buy something." asked Preston, looking like he was just being polite after seeing me daydreaming.

"Ah, no, Preston. Let's just go to the cemetery." I answered while looking in the rearview mirror of the car.

"Got it, Mr." Preston nodded understandingly.

Preston stepped on the gas a little quicker for fear of being too late for the funeral procession. Preston parked his car in front of a cemetery. "Preston, are we not in the wrong place?"

"No, Mr. Theo." Preston reassured me.

"Isn't this a pretty expensive burial ground? I don't have that kind of money," I explained very openly.

"We are not in the wrong place, Mr. Theo." Preston just repeated the line. "Let's go down; everyone must be waiting."

Preston turned off the engine, and we got out together. However, Preston quickly grabbed my door and then closed it. Preston didn't seem to let me out until he opened it for me.

"Over there, Mr. Theo." Preston led me into the cemetery.

I saw that some people had gathered in the middle of the cemetery. "Is it over there?" I stopped for a moment and made sure.

"Yes, Mr. Theo." Preston nodded politely as he clasped his hands together in front of him.

I walked into the crowd and looked at everyone present. There were doctors and several nurses who took care of my mother, co-workers at the cafe, Mr. Hawthorne’s family, and a few strangers, and then there was Preston with me.

"Is everyone assembled?" asked a religious leader who was ready to lead the funeral.

"It's already priest; please begin." Mr. Hawthorne took over and glanced my way.

I just stood still and looked at my mother, who was already in the crate. The priest guided the event slowly, starting with praying and closing the casket until the last burial. Tears streamed down my cheeks while I maintained my facial expression.

"Why did you force us to come to this funeral? Who is she?" Mrs. Victoria asked, half whispering.

However, unfortunately, the sentence was caught by my eardrums. I tried to ignore it and follow this procession solemnly. I just want to see my mother buried properly.

"Lower your voice; we're at the funeral procession." Mr. Hawthorne chose to change the subject.

"Can't you just tell me who?" Mrs. Victoria still insists.

"Olivia," replied Mr. Hawthorne briefly. "The one who is being buried is called Olivia, my friend."

"Then, why is that child here? What does he have to do with this friend of yours?" Mrs. Victoria kept talking.

"Excuse me, could you please be quiet and respect my mother's funeral?" I, who could no longer bear to hear it, began to rebuke

Mrs. Victoria and all the guests looked at me because my words sounded curt. "Your mom?" Mrs. Victoria asked by raising one eyebrow.

"That's right, this is my mother's funeral." I answered her firmly because I didn't like her attitude just now. "If you don't want to be here, please just go home now."

My eyes became sharp and I became unafraid of what was about to happen. Even though I know for a fact that their family really has the power to sue me for disrespectful behavior, Mr. Hawthorne, who was shocked, immediately restrained his wife, who was just about to step towards me.

"Watch what you say!" Mrs. Victoria pointed her finger at me.

"That's enough; it's not good to fight here." Mr. Hawthorne gave his wife his understanding.

"He was the first to start." Mrs. Victoria still does not accept

"Everyone, can you calm down first? We're doing a funeral procession." The priest also rebuked the fight between us.

"Sorry, priest, please continue." Mr. Hawthorne was still holding his wife by the waist and holding her back.

Mrs. Victoria and her son, Spencer, stared at me intently. They seemed ready to kill me after the funeral process was over. I thought nothing of it and averted my eyes from them. Preston stepped forward and matched me so that Mrs. Victoria and Spencer couldn't see me very well.

"Okay, thank you everyone. Today's funeral procession is over," said the priest.

"Mr. Theo, my condolences." Several people patted my shoulder and gave me a greeting.

I replied with a smile before, one by one, they left the burial place. That left me, Preston, and the Hawthorne family still standing here at my mother’s funeral.

"I'd like to stay here for a while, Preston." I whispered to Preston.

"Okay, Mr. Theo. I'll wait for you," he said, bringing a black umbrella so I wouldn't overheat.

"Come on, let's go home, baby." Mrs. Victoria again echoes in my ear.

I squatted down and stared at my mother's tombstone while flashing a small smile.

"Get back in the car first; I'll follow." Mr. Hawthorne told his wife.

"Why is Daddy still here? Come on, let's go back." Spencer started to raise his voice too.

"Spencer, just a moment." Mr. Hawthorne returned his son's words gently.

"Don't tell me; you want to stay and accompany the orphan." Spencer chuckled unhappily as he glanced at me.

I tried to control my emotions and took a deep breath. "Go, Mr. Hawthorne; I don't want company right now." I said it without looking at them, so I wouldn’t get irritated.

"Who are you to dare to order my father like that? What a shameless child!" Spencer exploded and started calling me names.

Suddenly, I stood up and looked at him. "What is the meaning of your words?" I challenged him without hesitation.

"Spencer, that's enough. Darling, take Spencer back to the car." Mr. Hawthorne begged his wife.

"I won’t do it, love. Spencer was right with his words. Why is he so arbitrary toward us? Who's he?" Mrs. Victoria didn't lighten the mood but only fueled it even more.

"Oh, I know now. His mother must have teased you into wanting to sleep with her. Hence, he is an illegitimate child who has no brains and no manners." Spencer kept firing.

I walked around my mother's grave and then approached him. Without further ado, I hit his face with a hard punch. Spencer fell to the ground just in time.


Preston immediately threw his umbrella and prevented me from throwing another punch. "You guys calm down!" Mr. Hawthorne separated us while Mrs. Victoria helped her child.

"You guys, get back in the car!" Mr. Hawthorne ordered them strongly this time.

Mrs. Victoria and Spencer walked together back to their car. Meanwhile, Mr. Hawthorne stood in front of me with an unfriendly look. I was already prepared for what would happen next.

"What did you just do?" Mr. Hawthorne asked in a very cold and chilling tone.

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