160 - Successful

8 years later, Mitchy grew bigger and he already at school by now. Mitchy always stopped by at Haw & Co. company and met Theodore. Now, everyone at the company knew him as the son of Theodore and would be the successor Haw & Co. company.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Mitchy." The receptionist greeted him with a big smile and bow.

"Afternoon, Mrs." Mitchy smiled politely with walked into the lift.

Mitchy had his own assistant that always assist him anywhere. "Mr. Gordon, do you bring the cake that I order you?"

Mitchy asked when they already in the lift. Gordon who stood behind him, "Yes, sir. It is already at Mr. Spencer's table."

"Okay, thank you so much." Mitchy said with a wide smile.

At the same time, the ding on the lift was ringing. The door opened, Mitchy and Gordon walked out and stopped by Spencer's table.

"Mr. Spencer, do you keep my cake?" Mitchy asked excitedly.

"Yes," said Preston while bowed down and took the cake. "Here you go."

"Can you help me to open the box?"
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