Chapter 19

Elion follows Dian behind.

She pays and enters for a room.

Elion uses his eyes to scan through the room, seeing that she was alone in it.

He knew she was hurt.

As soon as he reaches the room, he gets stopped by the VIP guard.

"I'm her entertainer." Elion says and the man looks at him head to toe before moving off the entrance of the room for him to enter where Dian was.

"Who are you?" Dian asked, hiding her sobbing face from him.

"Your entertainer." Elion replies to her.

"Sorry, I didn't know paying for the room had entertainment with it." Dian said back as she cleaned off a load of tears over her eyes.

Elion walked gently towards her.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend, he wouldn't like this." Dian said back as she got on her feet.

"Don't be scared Dian." Elion adds.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Dian replies as she scanned through him, with her eyes hitting his huge familiar dick.

"Elion?" She asked as he stared at her.

"Yeah." He replies back to her.

Dian turned stunned as she looked at
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