They all know one thing is for sure. If normal prison is terrible, then the army prison is going to be worse.

The twins don't even care for their parents and grandmother at this point. They are pleading for themselves, they don't want to go to jail!

If they go to jail, they can't become the popular doctors that they strive to be. Besides, they are so popular at their school and going to the army juvenile prison would be the worst thing that has ever happened to them.

“Ugh! I regret the day that I married you!” The mother yells in her husband's face. Throwing useless punches into the air. “I told you that your mother was a witch! He has finally taken her time to destroy this family!”

Rosie is hitting her hands against her head. Why was she ever jealous in the first place? She thought that Doreen looked more beautiful than she was and she tried to attack her self esteem.

They are all blaming each other, but if they had been better people, this wouldn't have happened.

Doreen hasn'
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