Ruby can't believe what she has heard, her lips won't stop quivering.

Why didn't Andrew tell her that the house that she was relieved was theirs, was bought on a loan?

It would have hurt her greatly, but she would have preferred to hear it from Andrew's mouth.

The anonymous partner can hear her tears, she is trying so hard not to cry, but this news has shattered her beyond repair.

“Did you hear what I said, Miss Ruby?” The anonymous partner asks.

“I heard you sir.” She nods, even though he can't see her.

“Good. So, I will urge you to keep that in mind and work even more diligently for me.” He says. “Because at the end of the day, you have many things to lose.”

He is so right about that. If he decides that she can't work for him anymore, that means that he can ruin her life. With one snap of his finger, they can go back to being homeless.

She takes deep breaths in and she shuts her eyes as she allows herself to calm down.

“I will continue to work for you diligently, sir. I won
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