Jasper and Adriana look like they have seen a ghost. Jasper has been warned by his father to stay away from James.

Adriana and James start to take steps away from him. He has come with five men and they are holding scary weapons in their hands.

“Look, Jasper, we can't help you. I don't know anyone's name.” Adriana says. “Please, leave us alone?”

“You?” Jasper laughs as he points at her. “You think I'm here for you? How fucking dumb can you be? I'm here for your boyfriend, Jasper Banks.”

Jasper feels a jab of electricity through his body. Why is Jasper looking for him? He notices the way that Adriana is shaking, he wonders what has happened before.

Apart from their former encounter when James Jackson tried to molest her, they haven't had another encounter.

“You know, you've been on my death note since you I saw you that day.” Jasper sucks in air between his teeth. “But that's beside the point.”

“Jasper doesn't know anything! Just leave us alone, okay?!” Adriana begs.

But James i
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