It's not a surprise that Adriana wants them to use Uma, a child, to get back at her parents for what they did to her.

“Are you crazy, Adriana?” Phil asks. “Uma is literally a child. What has she got to do with any?”

Adriana hits her hand against the table. “Listen to me! I worked for the Sanchez family all my life! Grandfather never passed down a chance to remind me that he picked me up from the gutter. I slaved away with hopes that one day, I was going to get something, but no! Uma is going to grow up to inherit everything that I worked for, it's silly for me to try to protect a child who won't give a fuck about me when she grows up rich!”

“You want us to kill a child, Adriana?” James calmly asks.

Adriana flips her hair and shrugs, as if what she has suggested is not even that big of a deal.

“Don't we want to hit them where it would hurt?” She wonders. “Hurting Uma is going to make all of them suffer.”

“I'm not killing her.” Phil backs away from the plan.

“I knew you were a b
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