Chapter 24

Dallas woke when the clock ticked 6:22 in the morning. He cooks rice for the breakfast. After Rosalie eat the breakfast, she entered the car, and Dallas was driving her to work.

"Is that not Detective Helen?" Rosalie asked, pointing toward a new car.

Dallas saw Helen driving towards Greenland Park. He then knows that Helen wants him to read a letter.

"Is she not the one?" Rosalie asked again.

"I don't quite recognize her," Dallas said, concentrating on the wheels.

"She was the one. I remember her face clearly. Her face resembles yours."

Dallas was shocked. "Really?"


"Hope granny has quit insulting you at work?" Dallas asked

"No. You have nothing to worry. I don't fucking care about her insult anymore. Let I forget, I want to ask you a question. I remember Mr. Jefferson knelt before you before taking us into the VIP room. Dallas, who are you? How do you know him? I also remember he addressed you with Mr. Dallas."

“Back then, my general saved Mr. Jefferson from armed robbers. Let
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