Chapter 2.

"You are my what?" Bryan asked, with wide eyes.

"Girl- Friend, G-I-R-L..."

"Stop, I got it," Bryan said while Ashley slowly came in his direction and sat down on the stool placed beside Bryan's bed.

" don't remember anything?"

Bryan sighed, "No I do and I am just pretending to forget everything because I am mad and I am enjoying it."

Ashley chuckled.

"Why are you chuckling didn't you say I am your boyfriend, shouldn't you be sad that I am in this condition?"

Ashley stopped chuckling but still, there was a small smile on her face and her eyes were glittering, which for some reason made Bryan's heart skip a beat.

"I am sad that you are in this condition, but more than that I am glad that you are alive," Ashley said with a smiling and earnest expression.

Bryan cleared his throat and said, "Okay so tell me something about me."

"Oh yeah, so your name is Bryan and you are my boyfriend, and you are 29 about to turn 30 years old. You were born and raised in this country and went to Eastwood school, and..."

"Woah, you do know a lot about me...but what about my family?"

Ashley straightened her back before answering, "You are an Orphan Bryan. You have no family."

Bryan didn't know what he felt when he heard this from Ashley. Empty? Sad? disheartened? or maybe just nothing because he does not remember them.

"How did we meet?"

"You are a chef at a restaurant, and I used to visit that restaurant often. That's how we met and then eventually fell in love."

"Then how did I end up in this position?"

"You offended someone," Ashley said as she got up and took a glass pouring some water in it, her face was blank, totally cold as she spoke, "I don't know who but looks like someone was after you for some reason and you refused to give them what they wanted that's why you ended up like this."

Ashley gave the glass of water to Bryan, who took it without saying anything and drank it in one go.

"Do you know what they wanted from me?"

Ashley took the glass from Bryan's hand and kept it aside. "You didn't tell me, Bryan. you like to keep things to yourself."

Ashley sighed. "You should read for now. I will talk to the doctor and see when you can go home."

"When are you coming back?" Bryan asked.

"I am not going anywhere in the first place", Ashley bend a little forward such that her face was close to Bryan's, close enough to feel each other's breathing, "Last time I let you out of my sight you ended up like this, so that's why I am not letting you go anywhere without me Bryan."

Bryan didn't know but Ashley did know that Bryan's face was red like a tomato from this closeness. Ashley smiled a little before kissing Bryan's forehead.

"I will be back soon."

With that Ashley went out, leaving Bryan all alone with a read face and fast-beating heart

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