The signing

When Clay still did not react to her cousin's announcement , her cousin cleared his throat and shifted forward , his mouth almost resting on Clay's earlobe as he whispered yet again and with more theatrics .

" Actually I am here to help you save your sister's life ".

Clay stared at James who was supposed to be her cousin .

He was smiling like an unhinged mad man and Clay knew that she should be running the other way and not listening to what this madman had to say .

Clay did not like this one bit but if it could help Jade in any way , she would listen to it .

" How do you intend to help me save Jade ?  Your mum refused to help and you do not particularly seem like you are willing to whip out a million ", Clay stated the obvious .

It finally clicked , the reason she was so unsettled with the look on Jame's face .

He looked like the junkies that lined the way to their home .

They looked depressed every second of their lives and only changed their expressions when they realized where their next fix was coming from , then they would look neurotic and look at their most unhinged .

But how could James helping them be a fix to him ?

Coay casually looked over James's body till she found what she was looking for .

The flesh on the inner side of his elbow was red and puckered .

James dearest was a user and judging by the look of disdain he had obtained when he mentioned his mum earlier , she knew and did not like it or it was just one of the many things that she did not like .

James folded his arms to conceal his elbows when he noticed Clay studying them .

" It's simple Clay , all you have to do is win the game and it is all yours " , Jamws murmured , his eyes unsettling .

Clay blinked , win ? What did he want him to win?

" I do not gamble , I do not know how to and I do not intend to learn , so you should probably look for someone else ", she told James .

James laughed loudly , slapping himself as he laughed .

Clay would hate to be the one getting those hits but James was probably too out of it to notice the pain .

He sobered up and looked at Clay , his face suddenly serious .

He looked so different from just a second ago ,the change and how frequent he was doing it was beginning to tick Clay , it was like staring at something that you could just tell was unnatural .

He turned around and popped something by his side , it opened to reveal a portable bar that had been somehow kept cool .

He took out a half filled bottle and uncorked it , It went straight to his mouth .

He took a long swig before he turned back to 

Clay , unlike the movies , he did not offer Dean a swig too instead he began to talk .

" Do you know why your father emancipated himself along with everything he was entitled too ?"  , he questioned , earning Clay's complete attention .

Clay nodded , they all knew the story , it had been his mum's favorite story to tell .

" He was in love with my mum but the family did not approve of him getting married to her and thought threatening him with all he stood to lose would knock some sense into him. He rejected the threats and the family name ,the end ".

James was watching her expectantly so she glared at him .

James gasped dramatically , his thin fingers Coming over his dry lips. 

" Wait , you weren't being sarcastic ?", he asked .

James suddenly burst into more laughter , even his eyes had begun to tear up , the tears sliding down the sides of his face .

He reminded Clay of the joker and what exactly had he meant by Clay not being sarcastic ?

" No , I was not being sarcastic but how exactly does this help Jay ? "

Clay was ready to throw James out of the moving vehicle , enough junkie babysitting for the day .

James must have noticed Clay's patience begin to vaporize because he sobered up immediately and adjusted his shirt .

This time he held the bottle out to Clay , she eyed him evilly and James retracted his outstretched hand.

" Okay moody , business with no pleasures makes for sad profiting ".

Clay blinked , cursing rich people .

How could profit ever be sad ?

" Anyways , Uncle David lied to you all. Well not exactly lied , more like deviated from the truth since your mum was also one of the reasons he left ", he stated .

Clay nodded as she stared disapprovingly at the man - child .

" How old are you exactly ? Twenty two like I am ?You couldn't possibly be older. My dad left the family almost a year before I was born . Even if by some reason you had been born when he left , I really don't think you'd have been aware of your surroundings enough to know what was going on . So , tell me where your point of view starts from ? ", Clay asked him.

James blinked wide-eyed.

" And here I thought you had some speech disorder , it seems like I made the right decision ".

Clay shrugged , she would talk when he wanted to .

James smiled again , this time his smile seemed calculative ,he relaxed into his seat and folded his arms.

" Every year , the family along with some other families that have amassed wealth comparable to ours get together for a week before the end of the year ".

His tone reminded her of how lecturers sounded when they wanted you to know that this topic was going to be in your exams .

" Of course , all of these families are somehow linked to us. Through marriages , business alliances and even just children , don't ask me how ".

Clay had not intended to ask him how but she was tempted to ask him to go straight to the point .

" During that week , every invited individual takes part in a number of games .Of course, the rewards for these games reflect in the outside world. Major business deals that affect the world are sealed during that week , contracts are assigned , flames of war are fanned in places where war would benefit the players ".

Clay was beginning to feel like she was hearing the pitch to a cult recruitment .

Was she supposed to look impressed ?

" The last presidential election , the two final candidates played a game months before the campaigning had even started and the winner of the game was assured of his position as president while the loser had to carry on everything even with the knowledge that he didn't have a chance ".

Okay , now James was bragging and it was all Clay's fault for not showing enthusiasm and awe earlier.

She could not be blamed though , she did not believe the shit James was spewing and the only thing on her mind was how this concerned her dad and how it could help Jade .

Who gave a fuck if the president liked to play strip poker ?

James sighed .

" You have no idea what I am saying , do you ? "

Clay shrugged .

" I really do not care enough to ".

James closed his eyes and massaged his temple as he continued .

" Even though all of the guests are big deals , the real game happens behind closed doors and only a select few can partake in that game . Being a Westbrook automatically assures you a ticket for this game ".

" The game lasts for all of the seven days that the other players are busy playing their other games and each player is allowed only one partner .This game is a winner takes all game , there is no halfway".

Clay sat up further , was this where she came in ?

" Grandfather's health is failing , so it is quite obvious that this year the whole of Westbrook will belong to the winner ".

If the whole of Westbrook belonged to the winner , a million was going to be a walk away .

" I would have thought that since you all were responsible for the Earth revolving , death would not be an harbinger , seems I was wrong though ", Clay quipped .

Her cousin chuckled at this .

" The old bat fought long enough ", he stated, a statement that sounded familiar .

Clay frowned , her dad used to also call the man an old bat .

"You want me to be your partner then ? ", Clay asked .

James nodded .

" If you agree to be my partner and I win , taking care of yourself and your sister will be the least of your worries ", James explained .

Clay thought about it , It all seemed shady and like she was being told major half truths .

What type of game exactly would run for all of seven days ?

" Will you be telling me what kind of game we will be playing ? ", she inquired .

James shook his head , grinning .

" I am not obliged to" ,he replied .

Clay had thought as much, it did not make sense to stake so much on a game everyone knew about before .

But If they were going to be partners, then it could not be a dangerous game .

James didn't look like someone to endanger his own life .

" What happens if you lose the game ? ", she wanted to know .

James lips widened again , doing the Joker impression thing .

" Whoever wins gets to decide the fate of the others , even death is not off the table ".

Clay shook her head at her cousin's insane ramblings.

" Are you saying that my father left because of this games ? He couldn't stand them? "

James nodded , the smile still on his face.

" Something like that ".

Clay shook her head , her father had always had an insane idea of Justice that was rivaled only by her mum.

She finally asked the question that had been on her mind all this while.

" Why did you want me to be your partner ?"

James looked at her , studying her for a second .

" I was hoping to use the emotional advantage of the others playing against David' child ".

Clay nodded, an answer that did not sound favourable.

If he had said something along the lines of trusting Clay to be able to do it , she would have called bullshit and left .

" I will do it ".

Her cousin's head sprang up , he looked more shocked than happy .

" Don't you want more time to think about it ?"

Clay shook her head .

" No. But , I will need to arrange lodgings for my sister and a copy of the contract between us for Jade to keep but besides that , I'm ready . When does the seven days begin ? ".

Her cousin shook his head to wipe away the shock .

" It's tomorrow".

" The game begins tomorrow ".

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