The unmute

"Welcome to hell,Clay".

Clay blinked in surprise.

Had she gotten the wrong person?

Hadn't they said he did not talk? She was pretty sure that was what they had said so why was he suddenly doing so?

Why was he so eager to talk to her then when he was supposed to be the mute?

Clay narrowed her eyes as she stared at him, wondering why he had decided to unmute himself when it got to her turn?

She had honestly hoped that the fact that he didn't talk would make this an easier process for her.


Why exactly did everything not go the usual way when it came to her?

Besides,was she supposed to be scared by his words?

If that had been the effect he had been going for then he had failed miserably because it had only turned out to be such a weird statement because his voice was so tiny, smooth and almost had a velvety quality to it that had sent a cold chill down Clay's back, he sounded like a little girl.

Not a little girl like her sister, Jay , he sounded like one of those little girls tha
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