" The usual " .
Clay blinked , she was pretty good with faces and she was sure she had never seen this man before .Yet he was asking for his usual .Clay was not in the mood to humour some drunk ass .
" What would that be sir ? "The man frowned , obviously displeased with Clay .He must have seen the dead ass expression on Clay's face .
" A bloody Mary " .Clay grabbed a glass to fill the man's order .'' On the rocks ", the man called out .Clay nodded , grabbed the ice box and filled the man's glass .She slid the glass over the wide tabletop to the man .The man nodded at her , the kind of nod you would save for your pals .
Clay did not return his nod , instead she went back to work .She filled drinks , added ice when it was asked for and wiped the table down every couple of minutes , not because it was dirty but because she could not stand doing nothing .She looked down at the wrist watch she had placed beneath the counter .
The owner of the bar had forbade having wristwatches while they worked so the customers would not ask for the time .9 : 45 pmShe still had an hour and fifteen minutes till her shift was over .
She took a deep breath , she would get through this night too ." Clay !"
She turned to see who had called .
Timmy stood behind her , a frown on his face .Clay frowned back at him waiting to hear why he had called her .Timmy did not like her enough to just call out her name for no apparently good enough reason ." Someone's on the phone for you ".
Clay looked around , it was a Tuesday so there was not a lot of people that the other bartender , Kim could not handle .
She took off her apron as she walked towards Timmy .Timmy's frown intensified as she drew closer .The thing was Timmy was an highschool student that was called in only whenever there was a lot to handle .
Their asshole manager had mentioned in front of them all that if any of them lost their jobs , Timmy would be replacing them .Timmy had decided however that it was Clay's job he wanted .She entered the back store room , the telephone hung unplugged .
She picked it up ." Hello ".
There was no reply , only a distant rustling .
" Hello ".
Phone calls made her nervous , they were usually about her sister .
" Jade ? "
" No gorgeous , it's not your sister ".
It was Tommy , he lived in the crumbling apartment complex that she and hersister lived at .
He usually kept her sister company ." Tommy , Is Jade okay ? "
" Sure are intuitive for a pretty one . Yah I called about your sister , she's been all curled up like she is trying out to be a ball and it's been hours ".
Clay's heart stopped for a second .
" Thank you Tommy , I'll be there in a few ".
She ended the call and was about to walk out of the room when she heard the manager talking .
He was talking to Timmy ." How long has she been in there ? "
" It's been hours sir. She told me that she was going to be resting for a few minutes so I let her go in but she's been there so long and I even heard hee making a call to a man , probably her boyfriend sir ".
" That crazy lunatic ", the manager spat .
Timmy's voice was coated with honey .
Clay could just imagine the managers face , he had always hated Clay maybe because Clay would not call him ' sir ' but she had been here even before he was made manager , so he had not been able to find a good reason to fire him .She opened the door and stepped out .
The managers face twisted into a very ugly look when he sighted Clay while Timmy's smile stretched impossibly wider ." You are getting it now . You are ..."
Clay did not let him finish , she interrupted what the manager had been about to say .
" I quit ".
The manager looked quite surprised even though Clay was sure that he had just been about to fire her .
" You ..."
Clay did not have to wait to listen to his shit .
Luckily , she had received a paycheck just last week .She walked past them and towards the bar , she grabbed her stuff from beneath the counter .She turned to survey the bar and grabbed two bottles of Monet .
" My pay for the past three days ".
There was no point asking for cash , the manager was not going to give her .
She packed all of her stuff into her backpack and scaled over the bar top .When she landed on the other side , she realized that everyone was staring .She brushed them off and adjusted her clothes , she was going to really just leave but she could not .
She grabbed her apron , balled it up and threw it in Timmy's face .It had the desired effect , Timmy stumbled into the manager and they both fell back .Clay turned around and exited the building .
She ran all the way home , taking the bus was a luxury she could not afford especially now that she had just lost one of her jobs .She arrived at their run down building in fifteen minutes , a new record .
The elevator had long since been written off .They lived on the fifth floor , it took another two minutes for her to reach there .They lived in unit Fifty - two but Tommy stayed at Fifty - three .
She knocked once and walked in , running towards the only chair that Tommy had that was not completely stained with alcohol and other undecipherable stains .Jade lay there .
She was curled like a ball .Her long blonde hair was in a messy ponytail and she had eyeshadow on her eyes ." Jade ? Baby wake up , I'm here ".
She turned slightly to face her before opening her eyes , her extremely blue eyes .
She was an exact replica of their mum ." You are here early "
She was also very observant , her blue eyes travelled about her body .
" Yeah , Tommy called me . What's wrong ?"
She rolled her eyes , puckering her little mouth .
" Tommy is a drunk and he's fucking suffering from Paranoia ".
Clay narrowed his eyes , she smiled sweetly .
" Tommy is not a very responsible adult ", she said .
" You like him ", Clay reminded his sister .
She scoffed .
" Liking someone does not mean you have to lie about what the person really is ".
Clay finally saw it , her hands were clasped .
Her sister was very touchy but she had not touched her once since she walked in .She could not bring herself to touch her , scared of what she would discover ." The pretty young thing is back , eureka ".
Clay turned to face Tommy , he walked out of his room wearing a see through gown with nothing underneath .
" I'm pretty sure that's not how you use Eureka ", Jade said to him .
He ignored Jade .
" You lost your job , didn't you ?"
She turned back to Jade and grinned , she had always been perceptive like that .
" Oh honey , you got the quits? I could get you a nice job, Ya know ? "
Clay was about to politely refuse for what was probably the seven hundredth time when her sister beat him to the chase .
" Clay won't be working anywhere around you , go back to bed " .
Tommy looked around like she had lost something .
" The rude brat is right , I best be going to bed ".
Clay quickly pulled out one of the Monet she had taken and placed it on the table .
" For you Tommy, thank you for watching Jade ".
Tommy clapped his hands and ran to her , he picked up the bottle to examine it .
" A Monet ? Just for me ? Tell me rude brat , why wouldn't I love your sister ? "
" Go to bed !" , Jade yelled .
Tommy stood up with the Monet under his armpit and stumbled into hus room .
Clay finally touched her sister , she was so cold , she exhaled .
She was smiling but It did not reach her eyes .
" It doesn't hurt all that much ".
Clay bowed her head , she was angry .
She was always angry .Why did her seven year old sister have to go through so much pain ?When she raised her head though , a smile was on her face ." Let's go to Will " , she announced .
Jade rolled her eyes yet again .
" I don't want to go there , Will's a murderer ".
Clay sighed and bent to lift her into her arms .
" I can walk ".
She ignored her .
" You shouldn't call Will a murderer , he's been nothing but nice to us ".
Will was a doctor whose medical license had been revoked when a patient of his had died during surgery .
He looked at Jade once in a while and told Clay what drugs to buy .
Jade had a heart condition .
She had a hole in her heart and was constantly exhausted and in pain .She had turned all her free time into time for making creative insults ." Might as well get a piggyback ride if you're going to carry me ".
She did as she wanted , transferring her to her back and her backpack to hee front .
" I got a calculus textbook today ".
" Should seven year olds be using calculus textbooks ?"
" Who cares ? "
Clay chuckled .
She did not go to school because of her heart condition but Clay was sure she was still better than the kids that attended the best schools .Dean attended a part time college , she would have long since quit but that seemed to be the only hope she had to take care of her sister .
" If you were fired , does that mean Timmy the goat got your job ? "
" I quit ", She told her .
She laughed quietly .
" Tell me you at least made a dramatic exit ".
" I did ".
She laughed again .
They had arrived at Will's equally run down house .She entered without knocking , Will never did come to open the door when you knocked .She went in and found Will asleep on the couch .
The house was a mess .She kicked the Couch, startling Will into a sudden awakening .Jade laughed behind her .Will opened his eyes .
" What are you two asses doing here ? "
Clay could already picture her sister rolling her eyes .
" I need you to have a look at her ".
Will sat up and observed both of them.
" Take her to a real hospital ".
Will did this every time they came over .
Clay nudged her sister .She coughed once and then twice ." Please Uncle Will , help , I think I'm dying ".
Clay frowned , that had not been part of the original speech .
Will rolled his eyes .
" How can you look like an angel and be as foul as the devil ? Take her to the observation room".
Jade yawned , bored .
Clay waited outside the observation room for them .She had left the Monet inside Will's fridge , he would find it later .She could hear Will ask her some questions and then see the light from one of the machines .Will finally opened the door , her sister was sitting on the observation chair .She was smiling but Clay could see just how exhausted she was ." Take her to a hospital first thing tomorrow ".
" What ? ", Clay asked .
Will turned to her , his old face tired and full of worry lines .
" Clay , if you don't want to lose that foul mouthed child , take her to a hospital tomorrow morning ".
Clay's heartbeat slowed , everything around her slowed too .
And in this slowed down version of the world , all she could see was her sister's face as she smiled .A smile that did very little to hide her pain .
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The Westbrook Games The hospital
Clay was up at the crack of dawn , if staying awake most of the night was not considered .Up was quite literal as she had not been able to sleep more than a few minutes before she heard her sister groaning again and ran to her side of the bed .She had fallen asleep sometimes during her virtual class when her laptop had suddenly gone blank .She had hit every part of the laptop she could think of but the laptop would not boot .There was really no funds to get another laptop , so that was a huge bye to college for the next couple of weeks .She turned to her sister .She had only stopped groaning a little before dawn , she would definitely wake up exhausted .She got up and adjusted the blanket to cover her more .There was a huge hole in the blanket that she would have to fix when they arrived .They lived in a room that was shaped like a box .They slept at one end , cooked at one end and the bathroom was at another end .She walked into the bathroom and washed her face and teeth .
The Westbrook Games The Park
Clay watched Jade as she accessed where she had brought her to , her eyes travelling speedily over everything she could lay her eyes on .Her already large eyes were almost popping out as her eyes travelled around the open space , she gripped her backpack tighter and took an unhesitant step backwards before sharply looking back at her ." Clay? Where on God's green earth have you brought me ? " ,She questioned apprehensively .Her face was strangely drained of colour and her ears were straightened and pointed like a deer caught in headlights .Her voice was higher and much more strained than usual and she was doing the language thing , reverting to how certain people from the books she read usually talked .She was definitely anxious , there was no two ways around it ." Isn't it obvious ? It is the largest and most popular theme park in the city ",she tried to sell it with as much excitement as she could muster .When she still remained silent and only gripped her bag tighter, cuttin
The Westbrook Games The gates
The next morning , Clay woke up earlier than usual which was honestly by a whole lot , she had barely slept .She looked over to her sister's end of the bed where she lay curled in a little ball and stripped bare of bed coverings , like she usually was five minutes after every time that she covered her up .She was sure that she had folded the blanket into two to make it thicker and heavier and placed it on her sometimes during last night .The blanket was now nowhere to be visually noted .After they had arrived home , it had taken them a while to go to sleep because the landlord had apparently waited somewhere for them .He had come knocking and yelling as soon as they entered the apartment .Clay had ignored him at first .When he had just kept on knocking and ranting , she had gone out and promised to have the money to hil by the next day .They had then heated the remnants of an apple pie and eaten it before they retired for the day .She left the bed and went to the other end of
The Westbrook Games Rejected
Clay and her sister were quiet , not by choice though .Although , Clay could tell she had a lot she wanted to say judging from how her brows had temporarily assumed a new shape since they got here and had just kept rising for a while now . After the butler or whoever he was supposed to be had brought them into what appeared to be a lounge for receiving guests that were to be turned away after sixty seconds , he had pointed out chairs as if Clay and Jade were blind and then promptly left without a word .That was ages ago and he still was not back .Jade was now staring intently at the painting that had been placed on the wall opposite them .It was dull and monochromatic and just generally sad to look at ." It is probably a ploy , you know ?" , She said as she nodded at the painting.Jade was whispering loud enough for anyone that was interested in hearing to actually hear , Clay did not feel like telling her to keep her voice down ." Yeah , how so ? ", she asked , Interested in w
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Clay moved heedlessly as Jade pulled her to her feet and out of the study .She noticed faintly that there was no one this time to guide them as they left the dimly lit residence , the butler could not bear to hustle them out ? Or he simply had better things to do ?It seemed they trusted them not to steal or vandalise their properties .Clay was still not conscious of herself but her surrounding was suddenly larger , clearer , almost too large and clear , it seemed lethargic .Clay was noticing things she hadn't noticed when they had walked by earlier .The cameras , the doors to the passages on the walls for the servants so they would not be seen and lastly , the prickly feeling that came from knowing someone was definitely watching you .That was probably why they had not thought they needed any escort as they left .Clay had detected all of this irregularities but her head had decided to process one thing at a time .She had long since packed topics concerning the house aside , un
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Clay held Jade closer .Jade's one weakness was horror movies and their characters but she had still loved to watch them .She only watched the older ones with their horrid make-up and effects and this man in front of them looked like he had stepped out of The phantom of the Opera , the 1943 adaptation. " Jade , it is just someone in a black coat , he is no phantom ", she hurriedly tried to explain , scared that she would get a panic attack .Jade stopped screaming and moved around Clay to peek at the man that had still not taken off his coat .Clay was beginning to wonder if the man was a highway robber and this was a robbery ." You are right . I thought for a second that he was some grim reaper here for my soul , I was going to tell him that was it too early to be picking me up already", Jay whispered with a giggle .Clay drew a blank to the reference , she would have to filter her books and movies once again .The stranger took a step forward and Clay took a step backwards , pull
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When Clay still did not react to her cousin's announcement , her cousin cleared his throat and shifted forward , his mouth almost resting on Clay's earlobe as he whispered yet again and with more theatrics ." Actually I am here to help you save your sister's life ".Clay stared at James who was supposed to be her cousin .He was smiling like an unhinged mad man and Clay knew that she should be running the other way and not listening to what this madman had to say .Clay did not like this one bit but if it could help Jade in any way , she would listen to it ." How do you intend to help me save Jade ? Your mum refused to help and you do not particularly seem like you are willing to whip out a million ", Clay stated the obvious .It finally clicked , the reason she was so unsettled with the look on Jame's face .He looked like the junkies that lined the way to their home .They looked depressed every second of their lives and only changed their expressions when they realized where the
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JamesJames watched as his cousin settled back in her seat without asking further questions about what she had just agreed to or what consequences were attached to them . When she had even signed the papers , James had expected her to protest when she read the clause on bodily harm or loss of body parts but she had just read through and signed , she had asked James no questions when he had been prepared to practically dish out answers .He sighed , he was in no place to be showing empathy , especially after getting his poor cousin to sign it .He had not approached his cousin out of the goodness of his heart .He knew why he had come for Clay .Clay was his only chance of getting Westbrook if he wanted to ever do .The car stopped moving and the partition came down .Saul's voice came through the small Telecom device ." This is the stop the child asks to be let down", he announced .James watched as his cousin's eyes lazily opened , her eyes shocking him again .It was like looking
Latest Chapter
It all ends with us
She could hear it all .She had heard everything that had happened from all of them but for some reason , she just could not wake up ." How is she doing ? Is she any better ? ", Saul asked Jade .He had learnt the hard way that she hated to be spoken to like a child ." No , the doctor says she is perfectly fine , I am beginning to think she is using this as an excuse so that she does not have to face me and everything I have to say to her and trust me , I have a lot ", She said sneering ." Yes , I do trust you ", Saul told the child who turned to glare at him too .They had all thought that getting a heart transplant would slow her down or at least keep her quiet for a few days but that was not the case .She claimed to be waiting for her sister to wake up so she could give her a very hot piece but she was here every second , holding her hands when she thought that they could not notice , it was obvious that she missed her sister the most .She had been asleep now for two weeks and
A finale to see...
Clay was bereft with emotions as she looked at June's face .She was too young , too young to have ever been exposed to such a harsh life , too young to be here but most of all , she was too young to be getting cold in her hands .She was too young to be dead , a tear slipped out of Clay's face and on to hers .Strangely , when she thought of June , there were no sad moments , thinking of her only brought smiles to her face .CLAY !!!The automated voice thundered behind Clay once again and she came back to the situation on ground .She remembered Jared and the autobots and the people that were still taking cover behind the ledge .June had died to protect them , she could not let any harm come to them and foil June's sacrifice now .Clay carried her gently and put her in Saul's arms , patting Saul's shoulders as she stood on her feet and turned around to look at Jared .She almost grimaced as she watched Jared limp his way out of the autobot's face .The autobot had done quite a numb
Lived till the last breath
Saul was weeping softly as he caressed her face , not even noticing that Clay had joined them until Clay pulled her out of his arms to wrap her again in her own vest .She opened her eyes when she felt the jerk and saw that it was Clay , her eyes were glassy and unfocused like she was blindly doing whatever it was that she was doing.June held up her arms and Clay looked at her , realizing that she was conscious before grabbing her fingers ."Why ? why ? why would you come out , you knew it was dangerous ", she cried softly , unable to control herself .June smiled , sputtering softly ." Yes , I knew but he was going to blow all of us up and I could not allow that , I wanted so badly to be your deputy and a little sacrifice should not have been scary to me ", She told her , her voice lower than a breath ." I never made you my deputy , you are lying ", Clay cried out , short of words ." Does it hurt ? ", She added a second later , hoping that the adrenaline her body was providing wa
The shots
Clay had realized one minute into her struggle with Jared's new sleek autobot that the autobot had not been built for a fight .It was slower than all of the autobots that Clay had fought before and since it had opted to struggle with Clay Instead of whirring out one of its famous weapons from its hands , it was safe to assume that its arm was probably just a normal bot arm that was incapable of transforming .Clay realized that the Autobot was infact only there to keep her busy and away from the two other autobots that stood in the middle of the field .They stood still and did not bother to go after June and the others .They also could not approach it seeing that its hand was a frigging shotgun .The other two autobots that stood in the middle of the field felt like some part of a sinister plan to Clay because he had no idea when they would begin to shoot or if at all they would shoot , she could imagine that June and the others were also ill at ease ." What do you want with them
The sacrifice
The Meetup
They all watched as the Autobots began to fall to the ground.June had run out from behind their cover while Clay worked and had released the people that were being held and began to scream commands to everyone that was gathered there along with them , including the ones that were not their teammates."Go to the autobots and make sure that they stay down , we can not afford for the Gamemaster to gain control of them again!!!", She was yelling as she ran.The people seeing as Dean had taken the initiative and now June, also trying to make sure that they survived, ran out to help .The ones with guns shot at everywhere they knew to shoot at to prevent the autobots from returning to their feet while Saul shared grenades so that they could easily spread out and maim as many autobots as they could reach .This was going on smoothly when another whirring began.They all turned to where the whirring was coming from and watched as another autobot came from behind them .This one was different
Her Discovery
Clay turned around and beckoned for the others to come closer ." Okay everyone , we have no foreknowledge of what we are literally running into , but we need to stick together as much as possible ,like I said earlier there will be a bomb or most likely several that have been positioned in different places , they will all be self made bombs which means that they will not have much in terms of range but it also means that we might be unable to disarm them without Jared doing so himself . So, when we get there , depending on what the situation looks like , we will be splitting ourselves up to effectively locate the bombs . Lastly , we know nothing about Jared's plan so , when we can try to remain as alert as possible incase there are autobots lying in wait ", Clay said , wondering if she had gone through everything she needed to ." Ricky and Alberto lead the way , we are running down to the arena , all the way .Everyone , please stay safe ", Clay told them and stood back for Alberto an
It's just Jared....
As soon as Clay made her point,the others froze and paused all the movements they were making like they were being held at gunpoint while their eyes followed all of Clay's movement .Clay had immediately gotten on her feet after she spoke and had proceeded to run to the middle of the church where she had left her bulletproof vest and the rest of her stuff earlier.She began to dress in a hurry , tucking her guns into her vest and swinging the satch that contained her arrows over her back in record speed,it almost seemed like she had been doing that all her life.The rest of the team watched her in perplexity while she dressed and when she was done , she turned to look at them, get eyes fleeting over each one of them that was staring at her ." Why aren't you guys preparing ? We need to be out of here as soon as possible or do we not? ", She asked as she looked at their faces .Juan finally stepped forward ," You said it was a trap and he is going to release the bomb in the arena , if
The truth at long last
Saul could hear voices .Of course, he was surrounded by people so hearing voices was not such a big deal but the voices he was hearing were too harsh for whatever he was hearing to be okay.Saul jumped on his feet and turned around." Do you hear that ? ", Saul asked the others to be sure he was not the only one hearing the voices as he turned around to the doors of the church ." Hear what ? " June asked as she looked around , looking for what was supposedly making noise and confirming that it was indeed just Saul that was hearing these voices.She could hear nothing but she also knew just how sensitive to sound Saul was so she followed him when he stood up and began to walk towards the doors after him.The others also turned to see what Saul and now June were up to .Saul threw his hands forward and opened one of the large doors of the church that led to the room that the others were in and the sound of Clay shouting immediately filled the air .Saul immediately rushed inside,follo