"I didn't read this part of the contract".

" am sIorry Dad, it didn't work out". He had his head bowed low, as he spoke shamefully.

"We were having too many issues, that she wouldn't let sly, and I couldn't stand her, I am sorry". Ryan started, Still looking down, thinking his father would be disappointed in him and maybe flare up, like he had done the first time he rejected the proposal, but to his surprise, he got up from his seat and hugged him. Ryan noticed he looked very weak, and unhappy, but he wouldn't go back on his words, so he pretended not to notice.

"I have not been myself since you left this house, and though I wished it worked, but I also want your happiness, that is more important to me than any other thing". He stared long at his father and nodded his head. "Thanks for understanding Dad, I was worried about you, and I thought you wouldn't accept, but I am glad you did. But Dad, are you okay? He had to ask, for his father didn't look so well, and he had a cannula in hand. "I am fine, don't worry about me".
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