Chapter 07

Chapter 07

Eliza Campos

I stood in the hall waiting for Carla to call me, the meeting will be with several partners of the company. Pedro really wanted me to present my project in front of all of them. I am very nervous, because for sure in the room would be Pietro and Cassandra, his girlfriend.

I don't know how I can face Pietro after his harsh words to me. Not only that, but I know that I have a share of the blame for how our relationship has turned out since I got addicted to drugs. I have ruined not only my life, but the lives of everyone around me.

I came out of my thoughts when I saw that Carla was calling me, probably the meeting was about to start. Furthermore, I wiped away some tears that were running down my face and hoped that Carla hadn't noticed.

- Carla, has it started yet? - I questioned.

- The meeting is about to start. Pedro asked us to go - Carla answers - Are you nervous?

- A little, Pedro asked me to present that project - I say.

- I am sure that everything will be perfect - Carla was trying to encourage me.

After this brief dialogue, we went on to where the meeting would be.

When we arrived in the room I realized that almost everyone was there, Pietro and Cassandra looked in my direction that if I could look I would be dead and lying on the floor. There in that place, only a few investors of the company were missing. The meeting was scheduled to take place in a few moments.

The minutes passed almost like a dizzy spell for me, since I am very nervous.

Soon these people arrive and start the meeting, and who begins to speak is Pedro Monteiro, owner of the company.

- Welcome, everybody. I'd like to welcome the new employees," Pedro says, introducing everyone to the company's partners.

The meeting continues for a few more moments until Pedro interrupts and speaks.

- Since we've talked about some things regarding the company, and we agree on this - Before he finishes - I wanted Eliza to show that small project she made, and amazingly, this was all only today when she found out that we would have this meeting.

And with that, armed with confidence, I begin to speak, even if timidly.

- I would like to thank Mr. Pedro Monteiro for the opportunity - To soon add - When I found out we were going to have a meeting, I did some field research to find out our target audience - I opened my notebook and connected it to the projector to show the spreadsheet I had made - As you can see in the spreadsheet I put together, of how this would work, it is all well described here. With this, we can find out who our target audience really is, and our sales could increase.

I was apprehensive about what could happen, but I soon put it out of my mind when I realized that almost everyone was clapping, and the only people who didn't seem happy about what had happened were Pietro, Cassandra, and Heloise.

I decided not to think about it too much.

- I confess that I loved Eliza's idea and I believe we can start practicing this from today on," he says.

Before I could thank Pedro again, Heloise raises her hand.

- Pedro, my love, I don't think this idea is that good, because how could a woman like her understand how to create a project in a company? I bet she has never worked in her life - Heloise was evidently making fun of my age, but as far as I could tell, she is the same age as me.

Even if it was wrong, I turned toward Heloise and answered.

- I really don't understand a company as big as this one and as consolidated in the market - I speak with a huge smile on my face, Heloise probably wasn't expecting my answer - However, as a former author of books that were successful several years ago, I believe I understand the subject.

As I said this, I could see that Heloise was speechless, and that she decided to keep quiet and not contradict me, but she was angry because of the way Pedro had reacted to my presence. After this, the meeting is closed and Pedro asks to be alone with me.

- Everything okay, Eliza? - he asks.

- Yes, I'm fine," I answer, "I was happy that the idea worked out. To have this opportunity to show some of the things I have learned during my time as a book author.

- Yes, but I'm sorry about Alice, I didn't expect her to say those things - He says, embarrassed by what his fiancée had said.

- Peter, it's okay, I don't take away her reason - I say - Who would accept a proposal from a person with no experience?

- You may not have that much experience, but you are a great employee," he says, holding my hands again, for the second time today.

- Thank you very much," I say, and can only stare into those dark eyes of Pedro Monteiro. I feel so attracted to him, I wish I could touch his skin… his hair to feel the softness of his strands.

I take Pedro's hands away from mine, afraid that Heloise might come back and catch us in the act again.

- Okay, we'll talk later," he says.

So I finally leave the meeting room and return to my office, after a few moments reviewing some services that Pedro had asked me to perform, I hear someone knocking on my door.

- You may enter - I speak and as soon as the door was opened I could see that it was Cassandra, Pietro's new girlfriend - Cassandra, do you need something?

- Don't play dumb, I know you're hitting on Pietro - She answers, shouting in my face - He's mine, I want you away from him.

I take a deep breath before I say anything.

- Cassandra, you need to calm down, we're still at work, and you're in my office.

- Pietro told me everything you did," she says.

- I didn't hit on him, we just bumped into each other and I apologized to him.

- Girl, stop being a liar," she says, almost foaming with rage at the mouth, "Slut.

After she calls me a slut, I can't stand it and answer her back.

- Enough of offending me, you have crossed all the limits, I ask you to leave my room now before I call the security guards and complain about you to Mr. Monteiro - I threatened Cassandra.

- You can let me out, sorry, I did not mean to offend the boss's new toy - Cassandra says laughing and finally leaving my room.

I am even more nervous than I already was and afraid of what might happen, afraid that I might relapse, even though I have been clean for a year. So I decided to call Giulia again.

The phone calls for a few, and she finally answers.


Heart, did something happen?


I started on the job today, as we had talked about yesterday, but so many things happened that made me so worried.


Are they good things or bad things?


My boss is a lovely person, he treats me super well, here there is a receptionist, Carla, who seems to have been my friend for years, but I bumped into Pietro again.


What did he say?


He treated me with more ignorance and then there's Cassandra, his new girlfriend, who thinks I've hit on her boyfriend, called me horrible names that it's not even worth talking about now.


In heart, you know about what I think of Pietro, however, I'm going to give you some advice that I've always given you. Don't be swayed by these people, just do your job and that you know you do well.


Every time I talk to you, I feel so calm. Now I need to go, so we can talk more.


That's great! Whenever you need to talk, just call me.

The call is ended, and I felt a huge weight coming off my back, I came out of my thoughts when I heard another knock on my door.

- Come in - I speak with fear that it could be Cassandra again, but this time it was Carla.

- Friend, sorry to interrupt you, but that was Cassandra in your living room? - She asks, confused.

- Yes, she was - I answer – Why?

Carla sits down on the chair in front of my desk.

- Because I don't like her. I've known her for a few years, and I'm sure she's up to something. What is she doing here?

- Accusing me of hitting on Pietro - I answer.

- Why? - Carla asks, even more confused.

- Since Pietro and I have been dating for years and after that bump we had earlier, Pietro lied to Cassandra that I had hit on him," I answer, still not believing his lie.

- And what did she say to you? - She questions - Is it because your expression is telling me that it wasn't good things?

Carla was right in thinking that.

- She called me some things that don't even come to mind, I just want to forget all this, go home and rest - I mean, I am exhausted, the first day on the job was tiring.

Carla looks in my direction, shaking her head as if she does not accept what I have said, leaving me confused.

- Not at all, you are going out with me today to go to a trendy nightclub nearby," she invites me.

I think for a few moments before answering Carla's question.

- That's fine, I'll go out with you, I really need to relax a little, even more so today, which has been a day of boundless tension.

- That's great! Let's go at midnight," she says, "Our workday is almost over, and leaving here, I'm going straight home to get ready.

Then our brief dialogue is finished, and I pack up my things, say goodbye to some employees and leave for home.

I thank God that I arrive quickly at home, my little home.

As the house was still tidy, I washed some of the dishes that were in the kitchen sink and got ready for the party.

I go into the bathroom, take off my clothes and start to wash myself with the hot water that calms me down a little, helps to take even more tension off my shoulder.

After the shower, I dry myself and tie up my hair with a towel so that it dries faster. I pass all my creams to keep my skin smelling good.

When it's time to get ready, I put on one of my best combinations, a black cropped top with lace details on the breasts, leather pants very tight to the body, showing all my curves, a boots and a jacket in the same color as my blouse.

For the make-up, I opted for something not too heavy, a little kitten eyeliner, a blush that made my cheekbones look like they were just flushed, and a red lipstick.

After looking at myself in the mirror, all I can think about is how sexy I looked.

When I finished getting ready, I realized that it was almost time to leave, confirming that we women really do take time to get ready. I just looked around the house for a few moments to see if I had forgotten something, grabbed my cell phone, my purse and just as I was about to leave the house, Carla sent me a message asking if I wanted a ride to the club, and of course I answer yes.

 Unfortunately my money is tight, and I can't afford to leave with the car to go out for a walk, I only use the car to go to work.

After a few minutes, Carla arrives on the scene.

- Eliza, do you want to break hearts today? - Carla asked, making me give a little spin.

- Girlfriend, you also look beautiful - I laugh.

- Let's rock hearts today.

- Yes, we were born ready friends - I said, and soon after we got in Carla's car.

Carla and I headed to the nightclub to meet with the company's employees.

And unfortunately, we met some people that we would not want to meet that night.

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