Chapter 109- SILAS STORM 

Chapter 109- SILAS STORM

"Do you know where he is?Where is he staying?" Tony questioned,he was keenly staring at the boy's eyes.

"He's at one of dad's castles," the boy responded.

Tony and Collins stared at the one in total shock,Tony was the most surprised out of the two,he couldn't believe Uncle Robert had a castle he wasn't aware of and according to the child,it was even one of them,meaning there was more to it.

Tony was totally surprised by all that was happening,when he thinks things are becoming clearer,something else comes forward and blurs the whole thing. His displeasure was palpable and even as he drove the car,he just couldn't hide it all. But one thing had elated his mood,which was the possibility of seeing his father and probably having a serious conversation about everything that had been transpiring in the Storm family,his father would have more understanding than he did and can best explain things which would lead to his next actions.

Collins on the other hand was str
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