"You don't have to bother Mr.Tony,my team and myself will make sure she's found. Innocent lives have been taken as a result of this,the policemen inclusive so we are fully involved in this case and we won't give up until the offenders are brought to book," The head of police uttered,his eyes curved in firmness and determination. The desperation within him was eating him up and he was furious with everything that had been going on. All his years as a police chief,it was actually the first time he was struggling because of a case.

"Thank you Chief,I need to go," Tony uttered and made to go,his face was clearly unpleasant.

Immediately Tony got out from the police station,his phone rang again in his pocket. It was Collins calling.

"Hi man,what's going on?" Tony asked the moment he picked up the phone,his voice radiated his tiredness and weakness to the situation.

"Tony,bad news," Collins screamed out,his voice was shaking and he was so scared. Tony would sense
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