It had only been a couple of hours since Tony was thrown in the slammer when he heard footsteps comin' his way. He looked up, and lo and behold, it was the police officer openin' up the cell. The lady investigator, lookin' all serious, stepped in and gave Tony the lowdown, her voice steady but her expression lookin' a bit grim.

The lady cop stepped in, looking Tony right in the eyes, and dropped a bomb. "You're outta here, Mr. Tony Eduardo." Tony's eyes lit up, he couldn't believe his luck.

He strolled out of the cell, followin' her down the hall. He was too tired to think straight and was oblivious to what was going on, but he wasn't gonna complain about gettin' sprung. He didn't have the energy to ask what was going down, he just wanted to get the hell out there as soon as possible.

"I am very sorry for how everything played out Mr Tony but I want you to know it wasn't my intention to keep you here in the station," she uttered, her eyes filled with fear and contriteness.

Tony was sh
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