Chapter 6

Mark sat alone in his room. Wondering how things turned this way. His master didn't tell him this was what he would be coming to face. His master did not give him any information at all. All he knew was that he would come to see Mr. Dandelion and stay for a while. 

He never knew he would be getting married. The only thing that excites him is the thought of having to stay in this beautiful apartment. There was nothing more perfect than that. The home he had admired immediately he saw it, will be a place he will be living in. 

And to top it off, married to the daughter of the house. How unexpected luck did he get. 

He was still on the bed when he heard footsteps. They weren't fast. They were striding slowly towards him. He figured it must be Mr. Dandelion. But then underneath the large striding is a quick short one. Mark knew it must be his daughter's. 

He stood up and arranged himself. He sat at the edge of the bed, expecting a knock. But to his surprise, Mr. Dandelion opened the door without a knock. Despite being someone his boss respected, he was still a bit pissed at such disrespectful behavior. 

"Hey Mark!" Mr. Dandelion greeted him casually. 

"Sir!" He bowed before Mr. Dandelion. He bowed to Anna too. He did not look at her too much. 

"Be at ease," Mr. Dandelion ordered. Mark was still stiffened. 

"Thank you sir."

Mr. Dandelion led his daughter towards the dining table. He sat her down. Mark was still close to the bed, but he faced Mr. Dandelion. 

Dandelion sat on the table, and asked his daughter to do the same. She looked at him with anger in her eyes, she dragged the chair on the floor. It made creaking noise, and she made it obvious that she was being unapologetic about it. Zmr. Dandelion did not make a sound. She sat down after she pulled the chair out. 

"Mark! Come join us," Dandelion pointed to the next chair beside him. Mark Wales swiftly to the chair. Even if he does not agree with Mr. Dandelion, he could not disrespect him. Mr. Dandelion is someone his master respects, and disrespecting him would be equal to disrespecting his master. And Mark would not do that. 

He sat quietly, with his hands under the table. Anna was sitting before him, but she faced the opposite direction. 

"Baby," Mr. Dandelion called her. She did not answer. 

"Anna,". He called again. But this time with more resolve. Mark knew the call was authoritative, and it wasn't him joking with her. She turned towards his direction. 

"Will you at least listen to your old man talk?" He begged her. She began paying him attention. Mark knew the only reason she was paying Mr. Dandelion full attention was to know the reason why he made such a decision. It's the only reason why he is interested in whatever Dandelion has to say. 

"So I will start by apologizing that this came suddenly to both of you. But you would have to understand my reasons," he said. He paused for a moment. He looked at his daughter. She did not respond in any way. 

"Baby, what do you think of Mark?" He asked his daughter. She scoffed, and smirked. She shrugged her shoulders. 

"What do you think of him?" He asked again with the same voice that spelt seriousness. She looked at his eyes. She knew she was being compelled to talk. 

"Nothing," she replied. 

"Nothing? Come on, he is…" 

"He is what? He is a trusted associate of yours? He is a good man?" She interrupted him loudly. He did not bat an eyelid. 

"Dad, I am meeting him for the first time. He came in looking shabby from God knows where. I wouldn't talk to him on a normal day, and then in front of the family, you announced that he will be marrying me?" She argued with him. Her voice still has all the anger in her but she said this more calmly but with more resolve. 

"So I don't think anything of him. At the least, I don't want to talk to him," she said. 

"Hmm. What about you Mark?" 

"I think your daughter is majestic, and elegant. A very beautiful person, and I am sure she must be a very nice person," he replied. 

"Hmm," Dandelion sighed. 

"Why wouldn't he think that? He is being promised the last daughter of a multi-millionaire. An upgrade from whatever slum he crawled from. What else would he say?" Anna replied. 

"Anna, be careful with your word usage, he is to be your husband, and it's not right to treat your partner in the manner that you are treating him," Mr. Dandelion corrected her. 

There was an awkward silence that came in. Mark realised his eyes. He looked at both father and daughter. Anna was looking at the ground. She was clearly avoiding her father's eyes, while her father had his eyes on her. It was as if he was respecting some sort of response from her. 

And Anna's sulking gave her away too. She did not want to do whatever it is her father wanted. She wanted to deny him that. She wanted him to realise he does not have any right to make decisions for her. She needed him to apologize instead and say it was all a joke. Mark could feel that much, but he still felt there must be a particular reason why she was avoiding his face. 

"I am sorry…" she apologized and ruined Mark's train of thoughts. 

"That's good," her fathe replied. Mark was surprised. 

"Now that we have got that out of the way. I thought I should let you know Mark. You will be attending the same school with her. I was told if you were to be graded, you should be in university, but for the sake of my daughter, you will continue high school with her. Graduate with her, and both of you will go to the university together," her father said. 

"But…" she stopped herself. Mark saw drops of tears fall from her eyes. 

"And whenever you are ready, we can tie the knot. Anytime from next year once you are eighteen," Mr. Dandelion faced Anna. 

"And Mark, for now, both of you will have to know each other better okay?" 


"Father, but why?" Anna asked. 

"Why what?" 

"Why this marriage?" 

"You won't understand, baby?" 

"Try me," she begged. 

"There are some things better not known," he replied. 

"Even if it's changing my life?" 

"Even when it's affecting your life," he replied. 

Mr. Dandelion didn't say anything else. Mark felt he knew the type of person he would be. Just commands, with little regard to other people's opinion. He smiled within himself. He knew it was not in his right to change him. After the first time they are meeting, Mr. Dandelion is already making his dreams come true. 

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