Part Seven
Author: Razee Zainal
last update2022-08-09 21:46:55

“Here you go it's all your books,” said Jason. He gave the book to the girl. The girl on the other hand had a very sour face. She just took the book and stuff it back into her tote bag. She didn't even say thank you. “Look, I'm sorry for what had happened. If it helps, let me buy you another takeaway.” Jason was feeling a bit guilty after looking at her dress and so he tried to make it up to her. “It's okay, I'm not hungry anymore. I need to go wash my dress first,” she said. Although she was no longer shouting, from her tone alone, one can guess that she is still angry. “Hmm alright alright, maybe some other days?” Jason still insists to buy her food. “I'm sorry please at least let me buy you some food maybe not today... some other day perhaps?”.. “some other days perhaps” she replied. She don't even wait for Jason to respond and just left him there. Jason has wanted to get her phone number so that he can later apologize and ask her for a proper dinner. Unfortunately, by the time he took his phone out, she had was already gone. He was dumbfounded. That girl is something. Jason later walks toward his car. At that moment, his phone rang. It was Alex. 

“Yes, Alex what is it?” “Jason where did you go? Are you still in class?” Ask Alex. “No, I'm going to buy some food, what do you need?” Jason ask. “Wow lucky me, can you buy me some food too and for Brandon too? Fast food will do, KFC maybe.?” Said Alex. “Alright,” said Jason. He later hung up the phone. 

It's only after 9 that Jason came back. His two roommates are already waiting for him eagerly. They are starving. Jason on the other hand had a pretty full belly as he already ate before he bought the two of them KFC. 

“Oh god, we almost died waiting for you Jason, thank god you came back just in time,” said Brandon. 

“You are too overdramatic, here is your food.. you came back early, Brandon. How was your vacation?” Ask Jason. “And your head? What did the doctor say?” 

“I'm fine don't worry, the vacation is fine too. I bought you some souvenier. It's on your table, hope you like it” said Brandon while munching on his KFC. 

“Wow, that's quite a lot of things in this box. Seashell, flipflop, T-shirt, chocolate.. condom? What the...? Jason was speechless. What would Brandon buy him condoms? 

“Wahahahahaha it's for your future use, who knows you might need it. It's coconut flavored by the way” said Brandon. He and Alex laugh at it. Why would he buy a coconut-flavored condom for Jason? 

“Don't worry Jason, he bought me the same thing but papaya flavored one, I don't know what possessed him to buy that. I don't even like papaya.” Said Alex still laughing. 

“That is for your future use too Alex. Well you know, since you being seeing that girl,” said Brandon while winking his eyes. 

“What? I’ve never thought that far. But she’s special. Who knows, maybe she’s the one.” said Alex. “Speaking of which, I'm gonna go see her later tonight yeah” Alex was excited. 

“Are you still gonna go see her at that place? I mean the park with the broken swing and all? Ask Jason. “Yes, we had never met at any other place. Why? I think that place is quite alright” Alex seems to be dumbfounded as to why Jason said something like that. 

“It's nothing but I heard rumors that the place was haunted. As to whether it's true or not, I have no idea,” said Jason. “Haunted? What do you mean? Ask Brandon. “I've been passing that place all this while, I didn't see anything strange” he added. “Well, rumors have it that a few years ago, a body was found near the park. Police believed it was one of the students here. She committed suicide because she cheated on her boyfriend. They also found a handwritten note near the girl. She admitted to it. After that, the college management decided to close the park for good. And ever since no one has ever entered the park. Well, except for you and your newly found girlfriend Alex” said Jason.

“or maybe Alex’s girlfriend is the ghost of the girl...wahahahahaha,” said Jason laughing out loud. Alex and Brandon on the other hand did not even laugh. Brandon especially had a worried expression on his face. “Okay okay, I know it's not funny, I'm sorry Alex. I shouldn't say something like that” Jason apologize once he realize that his joke did not go well with his roommates. “But, it's only a rumor. Who knows maybe it's just the tall tale just too scary others” said Jason. He too was unconvinced of the rumors. “I think so too, it's already 2021, there is no such thing as a ghost,” said Alex. Although Alex might feel a little bit worried about the rumors, he just brushes it off as a joke by his friend. After all, while he was there with Alicia, he had never stumbled upon anything strange. What more seeing a ghost in that area.

Brandon on the other hand was all silent. He did not even say a word after listening to Jason’s story. “Brandon, you seem quite so suddenly, are you alright? Please don't tell me you are afraid of the rumors? It's just a rumor there is no truth in it” said Alex after he noticed the sudden change in Brandon’s face. It seems like he was trying to hide something. “Ahh no no I'm alright, don't worry. I'm not afraid, it's just rumored right, I'm a tough guy ain't no ghost gonna hurt me” said Brandon. “Well, I'm done eating let me just clean it up. I'm going to the toilet first” said Brandon. He suddenly gets up and leaves. Jason and Alex just look at him and look at each other. “Humm, I think he’s afraid,” said Jason.

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    For the next two hours, Alex focuses his attention on his lecturer teaching. But deep down, he was thinking about what Mona and others has said previously. It's hard to believe what others are saying especially when you are so in love. Everything seems so real and perfect. In the end, Alex chooses to ignore those reminders. He wanted to see Alicia tonight especially so after he did not have the chance to see her for a few nights already. After their class ended, Alex hurriedly left the class. But on his way out, someone has to shout his name out loud. It's none other than Mona. “Alex wait up!” she said while chasing after him. Alex who was almost next to the existing door stop and turn around. “Damn it, it's her again what is it this time” Alex cursed in his heart. “Alex wait up where are you going rushing like mad people?” Ask Mona. “What do you want Mona? I'm a bit busy right now” he said annoyed. “It's lunch hour Alex, what are you busy at?Well, I just wanna say I’m sorry if what

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    The next morning, everyone was awake. They pretended as everything was normal. Brandon quickly left for his class while Alex are on the way to the library. Jason on the other hand had just returned from his morning jogging. Everything seems quite normal. Nobody talk about what happened last night nor did anyone seems to care anymore. On his way to the library, Alex passes by the park. He takes a look at the park. It was 9.30 in the morning. The sun shines bright. It was clear that the park has been abandoned for some time. Alex focuses on the swing. It seems as it never ages even a bit. At least to his eyes. The swing looks as if it was newly installed. No wonder his girl always chooses the swing. He forgot what others are saying that the swing was old, broken, and not properly maintained. To him, those people are missing the perfect spot to relax and unwind. Suddenly his phone vibrates. It was one of his classmates. “Alex are you going to class today? What class? Asked Alex. “We have

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