
Rogan had a lot to think about after eventually getting a chance to sit down and properly think about everything.

'How could I fall for such an obvious trick. I've learned all about goblin tricks from my father but I still fell for there tricks.'

As the night continued Rogan kept thinking about all the things he had messed up, he felt as if he kept making the dumbest mistakes that could have been prevented if only he kept his calm and thought about all the information he was given.

The moons began to traverse the night sky eventually disappearing and revealing the blinding sun.

Leah and Hugraf strolled out of there tent one after the other.

"So what do we plan to do next." Leah asked as she approached Rogan and sat by his side.

"For now our survival is a priority, we already have the body of a second order beast." Rogan responded while staring out into the distance.

'This hunt was much more difficult than I thought, I can't risk losing any more of are group.'

Rogan planned to try to n
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