It was early morning I had just woken up it was a bright morning and the sun light had pierced through the holes in the roof. Leaping off my bed I flingwhat once covered me, it was some kind of creatures lushes black fur. The fur that previously covered me now layed on the floor as it always did wheneverI woke.
As I got off my bed I strolled towards a large bucket. OUCH. A large wooden splinter sliced into my finger causing the blood to drip into what remained of the water below.
As I looked at the water I could see a distorted image of myself, I had dark black braided hair which went just past my sholders and I was rather bulky with a slightly above average appearance although I still had a little bit of my baby fat on my face. There were also small cracks of red around my body that occasionally sputtered flames. I had been told that I inherited it from my mothers side of the family not that I ever asked much about it.
My room was rather plain and looked more like a room of some kind of barn animal. The only thing that made it look anything like a humanoid creature lived there was the bed and simple wood carved weapons which were throughout the room, these carvings looked to be made with a lot of care due to how detailed the hilts of the weapons were made and the fact that they looked to be improved per creation.
When I finally got off my bed and grabbed the bucket I grunted with a feral grunt, walked out the barn like room and began stomping my feet on the ground, as I did so my foot shattered one of the floor boards causing the skil on my leg to scrap across the wood. Not managing to hold in the urge I yelled F*CK and stormed out the building.
I was the son of a warrior, which may sound impressive and all but it actually sucked. He was never around much causing me to think about my mother a lot. Remember what was said about her that she died in a battle with another enemy or at least thats what I was told when I was young, although they never found her body.
This meant I was alone at home a lot of the time, if you could even call this run down hut a house. The roof had holes all over it and the flooring sounded so loud when it was stepped upon that you could even hear insects step on it, or at least thats what I liked to say when I grumbled to my father whenever he was around.
Because of the way that most of the creatures here lived everyone around hear had to learn to adapt or they'd die, this meant that I got used to the (hut) I mean house i live in.
As I walked out my house and towards the water hole which everyone in the clan went to early in the morning, I saw a huge green humanoid over 7ft tall with enormous muscles and two huge tusks on his lower lip walk past me. This was one of the warriors that had come back from a conflict with another clan.
Our clan wasn't very large only containing around 200 orcs in it, of those orcs on 60 ors were warriors and 10 were warg riders. This was a small group for defending and gaining more resources especially withe othe orc clans that had 500 to 600 orcs in them with over half being warriors.
We had to fight for scraps just to survive and sometimes if we were really unlucky we had to fight tooth and nail to get some kind of food to survive off just like this time.
The orc that I walked past had huge gashes all over his body and from the looks of it he fought a enemy warg rider, i could tell due to all the bit marks all over his body. He was walking in the direction of are tribe shaman to get healed, when he saw me staring at him he growed and grumbled, what you looking at puny unblooded orc. This was due to me only being 5ft10 and only being 11 years old, most orcs weren't consider as much unless they fought there first warbeast, which normally didnt happen till the age of 12. Due to me not long turning 11 I still had another year to go before I could officially fight one.
I desided to ignore the large orc and continued walking on the desert floor which was scorching hot and could burn lesser creatures feet. But as I walked away the large orc started walking in my direction, I noticed he had clenched up his fist probably due to him not thinking i showed him enough respect so I began to look him over. I was no weakling as all orcs wear incredibly strong, but I had been fighting with my father since I was 5 years old so i had an advantage over orcs my age and began to understand to look out for weaknesses in my opponents.
As I played off not noticing the annoyed orc going towards me I clenched my fist waited for the orc to go for the punch and slid just past it, as I did I punched the orc right in his wound on the side of his body and sprinted for itnot risking getting caught by a bigger and almost definitelystronger orc. As I ran away laughing I heard a gruff voice yell Rrrogannn your dead the next time I see you.
I ran to the water hole and began to slow down as I got away from the warrior orc called Grah. I never did like getting pushed around no matter how big the thing I was up against and Grah was no exception.
When I finally arrived at the water hole I came across another two orcs around my age, they were smaller than me at 5ft8 and 5ft9. The smaller one was actually older than me and was 12 years old he just turned it a few weeks ago, he was quite muscular and had a small axe on his back his tusks weren't fully grown and were only the size of a thumb. This orcs name was Arg and he wasn't the brightest out there and often started fights for no reason, but at least he was loyal to a fault as long as you earned his loyalty.
The other orc was 11 like me but was turning 12 this week so they would have a chance to participate in the hunt. This orc was much skinnier than most of the other orcs and had grayer skin, this was due to one of his parents being a grey orc which was much smaller and weaker than other orc, he often got made fun of for it the up side was he also had a gift as a earth shaman, this orc name was Nork and he was a bit full of himself but he never had the guts to back it up when others went for him.
These two hadnt done the tribal right of passage the Gre gar Hunt, which is were a group of 5 orcs fights a warbeast of there choices till it is slain and brought to the tribe chief. This hunting festival start once every 3 months and is very important as it tends to have 1 - 2 orcs die each hunt and depending on what you contribute in the hunt will deside what position you'll have in the tribe. The strong the warbeast and the greater you contribute to the hunt the higher your starting position in the tribe will be, of course you'll as be granted a weapon that will be made fro. the warbeast you amd the orcs slay.
I walked up to the two other orcs that were also getting water for there families, as Arg saw me he dropped the bucket he was holding and grabbed my neck trying to drag me down down, as he tried I punched him in the gut to loosen the grip then grabbed his arm pushing it forward and doing what tried to do to me. I grabbed his neck and slammed his head against my arm and chest. We both looked at each other almost staring each other down the we burst into laughter Arg said so how's the plan going. I replied with a smile and said nothing wrong just yet.
I was planning to make there 1 less orc in the hunt this happened sometimes and the chief would give permission to one of the younger orc to participate, I tried this before but my father was there and stop me saying I wasn't ready to fight a beast as terrifying as a warbeast, luckily he was out of the tribe during the hunt.
As I spoke to Arg about the mischievous plan I had to get one of the other orcs out the hunt Nork looked at me and said do you think I'd need anyone other than myself to beat these warbeast, I don't understand why the chief doesn't just send me Nork instead of 5 lester orcs. As he said that me and Arg burst into laughter saying you'd just run at the first sight of a warbeast no matter what rank it was. When we said that Norks face went red and he start throwing small rock chunks at me and Arg.
When I eventually cleaned myself up after having a litter fight with Nork, I began to fill the bucket up asking Arg and Nork what warbeast they wanted to hunt. Arg just said he wanted to fight one of the 2nd order tank type warbeasts, where as Nork just wanted to fight any 2nd order warbeast.
Warbeast are what we orcs call these creatures that roam the desert areas and other areas we orcs live in. They are normally ranged from 1st to 4th order warbeast but can go all the way up to 8th and 9th order although this is very rarely seen. They also come in sub categories such as tank types, agility types, elemental types and others which changes the characteristics of the war beast.
An example of a warbeast we orcs use are wargs they are very similar to wolves but much larger and have large fangs protruding there upper and low lips, normally 1st order warbeasts but can rarely be seen as higher order warbeast. These are an Agility type warbeast even so they have thick hide strong enough to slow or even stop metal blades from cutting it if the weapon isn't skillfully used.
The up side to wargs is that they are incredibly agile and fast making them great for the deserts forests amd hilly areas, they ar also very loyal to the orc rider they are bound with, the only problem is that once the rider dies wargs tend to go feral or are very hard to bond with a new rider.
When a Gre Gar Hunt happens most hunters only go for 1st order beasts because 4 or 5 young orc should be able to overpower the beast as long as no other problem happen, however some try hunting 2nd order warbeast. There have only be 4 successful groups of orcs that have managed to hunt a 2nd order warbeast and 3 orcs have always died if not more out of the 5.
The last successful hunt was 25 years ago and my mother was the one to do it after joining my tribe for only 6 months. When my mother and her group killed the 2nd order warbeast there were only 2 of them and the one other than my mother had lost there arm.
The lucky thing about defeating a 2nd order warbeast was the amazing weapons that got made from there body, along with the great armour, meat and the fact that you got to join a minor orc horde as a soldier which was my goal. I needed to find something more something bigger I need war I had an urge a need for battle and no one will stop me.
Related Chapters
The great orc king Strange encounter
Once me and my friends finished talking we started walking back to the orc tribe, the strange thing was that the camp was a lot more chaotic with loud chattering that normally didnt echo throughout such a small village.I then heard the village chiefs docile voice and began to speed up trying to see what was going on, the chief wasn't very influential to the stronger orcs only having power with the weaker ones. When I managed to gradually push through I saw an enormous warg nearly twice the size of a normal one, most wargs were between 2 - 2.5 M long and 1 - 1.5 M high. The black mane of the warg showed it wasn't your normal warg as only 2nd order warg had black, red and white manes, where as most were grays and browns or a mix of both.When I got closer to the centre of the crowd I saw almost 200 warg riders, with over 10 on 2nd order wargs. This group of riders looked to be in a greater horde, normally in this area you wouldn't find a horde of
The great orc king The journey to training
After all of the things that went on during the morning I was ecstatic at finally being able to do some training.Orcs under the age of 13 couldnt leave there tribes unless under certain situations, this was due to the need to learn to fight with different weapons and understand how to hunt warbeast or tame certain ones. The problem is that most orcs never payed much attention during training, only coming to training to bash some faces in.As I walked to the training room I met up with Arg and Nork, we began to stroll towards the training area for some combat training. When something unexpected happened.BANG. Nork had slammed to the groud. He was then spat on by the despicable orc that tripped him up and pushed him, causing him to fall face first. When I turned around I saw an orc 6ft tall laughing with 3 other orc alongside him, this orc was Gunug who enjoyed bullying gray orcs for being weaker than most orcs.When I saw my frien
The great orc king Hells training
As the door to the training rooms opened an orc around 25 years old came walking out, this orc had a stern face and a scar which went from the left side of his face al the way to the right lower side. The orc stood in place for a few seconds as all of the unblooded orcs walked into the training room, then with a stern and deep voice he let out an intimating aura that brought most of us to are knees.This orc was over 7ft tall and had a murderous aura around him that would bring a chill to the bone. He spoke and said with a booming voice, my name is Kogan and I will be going through the training you wimps will be going through. As he spoke he went straight to the point and grabbed a random orc, he then went over to what looked to be a metal tree trunk. Once he got to this tree trunk like object he stood before the small orc and told the orc to start hiting the metal trunk with his fists continously until instructor Kogan told him otherwise, the orc looked at the instruct which
The great orc king The progress of training
After 4 days of continuous training we were informed that there would be sparing matches with other orc to put to practice what we learned, almost all the orc were craving a fight after not being able to for the past few trying sessions, I was no exception.While I walked towards towards the training area I saw an orc that I did not want to see, it was Grah the warrior I saw before. When he saw me he began to walk towards me having a devilish grin on his face that couldn't be hidden.As soon as I saw him I froze for a second and started to walk in the other direct slowly speeding up. Once I thought I was far enough away I turned around one of the tents that were set up around the tribe camp and sprinted for it, not far behind Grah followed.I sprinted as if my life depended on it, twisting turning, doing anything could to get him off my back.The camp wasn't incredibly big, it had a 10 foot wooden wall that had small watch towers around it but nothi
The great orc king The start of the tournament
BANG! BANG! BANG!The drums were in the background as the orc audience stomped there feet, the tournament has begun!The loud drums stopped, me and Gunug charged forward, gunug was a much bigger orc than me so his weight gave him an advantage. I had to think of a way to take him to the ground so I could get the advantage on him. As I was think of a way to get the advantage Gunug charged at me with a feral fury, probably due to what I had done to him before with the surprise attack.As Gunag neared me I tried to avoid his punches and get a few in myself, as I was about to dodge another punch to my face another one hit me right in the stomach making me winded. I tried to recover as fast as possible but I was a little too late, he swung for my face, I managed to slam my head into it to get some damage back on him but my head was still bleeding. As I looked up with blurry vision I could see that I also managed to break a finger on Gunugs hand.After the short
The great orc king Mysterious figure
The tournament continued as normal, there weren't any more serious injuries that occurred after Args. It was rather boring after the first few matches, I didn't face any difficulties in my matches and ended up only making one mistake during my third match due to me being clouded by my rage from what happened to Arg.Args POVAfter what happened to him Arg couldn't stand watching the other orcs battling and experiencing the thrill of battle while he's hobbling around. As Arg walked off to his old training space which he used to hide his fight training from his father, he saw a black outline a small distance away from where he was. Arg began to hobble towards the black outline as it disappeared into some bushes nearby. As Arg began to approach this black outline he noticed what it was but it was too late, due to his weak footing he fell yelling, its a sha.... but it was too late.Rogans POVRogan had finally finished his third match, he had a gash on his ar
The great orc king Tournament schemes
Rogan finally woke up after getting splashed on his face, it was freezing cold water which slowly dripped down his face. As he opened his eye he saw a familiar face, it was Gunug and alongside him was Ruk and Gunug with his grunts.As Rogan was about to speak he realised he was unable to due to having some cloth which covered his mouth. As Rogan struggled to break free he was finally stopped by Grah, who punched Rogan in the stomach winding Rogan and preventing him from struggling any further, due to the pain he felt and not seeing a reason to struggle further with all these stronger orcs that surrounded him.Someone eventually spoke, it was Ruk surprisingly. This was surprising due to me expecting Gunug to be the ring leader especially with Ruks lack of intelligence. As I expected my guess was correct it was just that Ruk was dumb enough to speak in front of me spilling what they were planning.Ruk then spoke sayi
The great orc king Before the hunt
Once Rogan escaped he managed to push himself to get to Norks house, crawling through his window. Rogan had managed to stop most of the bleeding from coming out when he left the warbeast butchering place but the wounds opened up more once he moved closer to Norks house, causing blood to go everywhere as he approached the window of Norks house.After an hour of lying in his own blood a figure started to appear close to the window, Rogan went to grab something to defend himself but had no strength to move and barely managed to move a foot from where he originally was. Slowly the figure peered around the corner, Rogan prepared for the worst. Then the figure finally came around the corner, Rogan realised who it was and signed in relief, Nork on the other hand had a different expression on his face when he came around the corner. Nork began to enter his room with a mix of emotions, anger, worry and frustration, his friend looked horrible and he wasn't there to help him.Nor
Latest Chapter
Rogan had a lot to think about after eventually getting a chance to sit down and properly think about everything.'How could I fall for such an obvious trick. I've learned all about goblin tricks from my father but I still fell for there tricks.'As the night continued Rogan kept thinking about all the things he had messed up, he felt as if he kept making the dumbest mistakes that could have been prevented if only he kept his calm and thought about all the information he was given.The moons began to traverse the night sky eventually disappearing and revealing the blinding sun.Leah and Hugraf strolled out of there tent one after the other."So what do we plan to do next." Leah asked as she approached Rogan and sat by his side."For now our survival is a priority, we already have the body of a second order beast." Rogan responded while staring out into the distance.'This hunt was much more difficult than I thought, I can't risk losing any more of are group.'Rogan planned to try to n
The Hunt Continues
After they packed their everything up and left, they began to look for a more suitable place for them to stay.The first thing they needed to do was get as far away from the fight as possible, even if they had to leave behind the bodies of their comrades.Despite how Rogan treated his comrades in battle, if he didn't know the orc and they never helped him then he would treat their corpses as if they were nothing more that a pile of meat. This meant that when they left the bodies of their previous team members Rogan didn't even have a shred of sympathy for them.They began search for a new location to set up camp.After looking throughout the forest for quite some time they began to realise something, how are they going to find a good location in so much mist.They had been looking for almost two days now and found no good locations.After the second day Rogan had to make a choice, continue looking and risk getting ambushed unprepared or use a location they already found that was accep
The Aftermath
Rogan was still in shock of all the things he had learned and the fact that someone had pledged themselves to him.Although he was in shock he also knew that he still had much that he needed to do. So he began to get to work straight away despite the pain and confusion he was feeling."How much food do we have left." Rogan asked.He was considering using the first order warbeast meat as supplies as it had many benefits to eating and they still had plenty they could use."We only have two days of food supplies left. We didn't know what to do with the warbeast corpses so we just left them." Rogans new subordinate replied."Ok, we need three of us to keep watch while the other two skin and butcher the warbeasts."It was clear that most of them didn't want to be on guard duty, especially after what had happened.Rogan decided to go on guard duty along with Leah and Hugraf while the other two would butcher the first order warbeasts.After making this decision Rogan began walking towards th
What am I
It had been two days since the battle with the second order warbeast and Rogan had finally woken up after being unconscious for all that time.As he awoke he began to survey his surroundings, making sure that there was no danger in his immediate surroundings.It appared as though he was in a safe enough location as he seemed to be lauing on a simple bed that was made rather crudely.Rogan began to slowly sit up to observe his injures, but as he sat up a sharp pain began to pulsate throughout his body causing him to drop back into his bed.As soon as he dropped back onto his bed a figure seemed to open the entrance to the tent he was inside of. This was Leah, she had been taking care of him and was in quite a shocked state after seeing the condition he was in after the battle.Before Rogan could ask any questions Leahs raised voice was heard."You idiot. You said you had a plan, I didn't expect it to be to end your own life."She was furious. If it wasn't for the fact that he was able
True Orc
SWOOSH. Rogan leapt to the side to avoid the charge of the beast, it had once again missed him barely. Despite Rogan avoiding this he still was greatly wounded and the gash on his leg began to open causing blood to begin to gush out. This was excruciating for Rogan but he had to distract himself from this pain. He slammed his mouth shut, bitting directly into his tongue. The pain gave him the shock he needed to focus back on the battle.Rogan had been trying to figure out the Morgs movement patterns. This wasn't easy as he had to constantly evade and dodge the beasts assault why also being seriously injured and looking for weaknesses he could exploit.The beast was getting tired of the orc before it and desided to give up on him. This may sound good because it meant Rogan could finally breath but this wasn't the case. Just as Rogan had notice the beasts focus had gone off him it was too late. The beasts enormous gnaw began to open wide. The orc that was now before the visage of th
The Battle field
TWANG. As soon as the beast appared it went directly for Rogan not giving him a chance to formulate a plan. Its slammed its enormous head directly at Rogan, he used all his strength to stop this gripping his sword with as great effort. As the impact struck Rogan he felt a sudden rush of breathlessness and began to try to gasp for air.Grrrawww. Rogan finally caught his breath ready to counter attack, when without warning an indistinguishable blur slammed its jaws towards his arm.Just as he thought he might have to sacrifice something to win this fight the once indistinguishable blur finally appeared before him. Gwaaa. Rogan heard the gurgling noise of an orc but it was no orc he had ever recognised. The person that had saved him was Leah, she had cut his throat causing the orc to chock on his own blood.Rogan was concerned at Leahs ease of killing her own kin and with such proficiency, but he didn't have tim
Challenges of the hunt
It had been a tireless night for Rogan as he constantly thought about the possible reasons leah had met this suspicious figure.He couldn't comprehend her thought process due to his family almost complete composing of warriors had this mentality that your kin should never be left behind. This led him to lack understanding when it came to anyone that would betray there own kin.He had been focus on this so much that when his group had been discussing the plans for the hunt he had completely zoned out and didnt hear any of the plan.Leah looked a worried as she spoke to Rogan." Is everything ok with you Rogan, you've been zoning out a lot today." She seem concerned for his wellbeing but Rogan couldn't trust this and assumed she was just trying to manipulate him. He didn't want to believe it but he couldn't explain why she had started to talk and help a complete stranger, the only explanation being she was using him but he couldn't figure out what for.
Unusual Encounter
It had been a few hours since Rogan and Leah fell asleep and Rogan had woke up in the middle of the night, he had been struggling to stay asleep after the encounter with the rock drakes. All he could think about was what he could have done better and that he still hadn't gained the strength he needed. As he was lying there think he heard a very faint rustly. Curious to see what it was he glanced over in the direction of the noise and decided to see what it was. As he looked over he was a bit surprised, from the looks of it Leah was leaving there tent to do something. Rogan was curious about what Leah was doing, he didn't know much about her so he desided to follow her to find out what she was doing. As he followed her it began to seem more and more unusual as it seemed that she knew exactly where she was going, Rogan just assumed he was just over thinking. Suddenly Leah stopped turning in the exact location Rogan was, dashed to the nearest tree as quietly as possible. CRUNCH. He st
The Hunt Begins
It was finally time. Rogan along with the rest of his group began to advance towards the errie forest, the sound of rustling leaves resounded around them as they began to trample over the decomposing leaves. It didn't take long till they had finally stepped foot into the forest, the vision of the horde riders gradually disappearing into the fog that surrounded them. Creak. Snap. Every movement they made echoed around them. As one of the orcs began to walk forward Rogan began to feel a warm breath slowly approach his neck. Suddenly a cold shiver went down his spine causing his whole body to shiver. Rogan cautiously turned his head to face a enormous tongue. Jumping back he finally realised what it was, Laughter resounded throughout the forest. I can't believe I scared you with that. Leah was giggling uncontrollably as she tried to gasp for air. As Leah laughed Rogan stared at her for an instant then faintly smiled at Leah, then he grumbled. I mean you do look pretty scary. Leah lo