Two hundred and two: At the orphanage

Breakfast was served the next morning and as Ivan had mentioned, they had small talks about the best choice of orphanage to go to and the list had been summed up to the best three.

“Okay,” Alfred started. “So we are down to smile orphanage, bright sun and victorious home. And the decision is down to you, young master Wayne. Which one would you like to go to today?”

Ivan relaxed into his seat and let himself think for a minute before answering. “I got it!” All eyes fell on him as he exclaimed. “Today, well go to bright sun orphanage,”

“Excellent choice young master Way–”

“I'm not finished.” Ivan cut Alfred off. “Today, we'll go to bright sun orphanage, tomorrow, we'll go to smile and the day after, we'll go to victorious home.”

Alfred was thrown into a pit of confusion. “You… you want to visit all three places?” His brow arched subconsciously as he questioned.

“Why not? Jane wants to adopt three kids after all, nothing limits us to adopting from one place or is there a rule or some
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