There were more than seven hundred lasers in Noah's direction of all sizes and shapes and it was this small deficiency of the gigantic creature's attacks that Noah took advantage of, altering his trajectory by striking the air with his two pairs of bat wings passing between seven lasers.
[His life is dropping if he doesn't recover a game over will happen]
"This is the only way to dodge this attack so next time don't make a monster with such an overpower attack" (Noah)
This wasn't the time to tease the developers, but to increase his body's resistance by transforming his skin into that of a dragon.
Even using the most powerful defense Noah knew, his life continued to fall this time slowly but it continued
When Noah emerged from the attack of the gigantic creature he was smiling because even though he was stupidly strong compared to any other game he h
In the war currently there are seventeen thousand two hundred and forty-five on the side of humans and twelve thousand eight hundred and sixty-one undead.Juluis is killing the living using his own by breaking their necks causing them to implode splitting them in two and leaving them unable to continue fighting as he loses important body parts.While Noah was with empty eyes looking ahead waiting for the fatigue of his body to pass so he can regenerate and fight againWhile this happens Ninym's opponents were in trouble none of their attacks work on her and her space magic always puts them at risk it seems that any hit will kill them"What's going on? Why don't they stop distancing themselves from me" (Ninym thought)"Since when is the second princess so strong? She killed my partner with a single blow and I don't even know what happened to his body
[The air is in the domain of a parasite][I recommend Leaving the place as fast as you can]The next opponent of the three is a parasite that is merging with the abandoned castle so it wouldn't have found anything even passing through several rooms as they were walking in a circle.The parasite was controlling the rooms and changing positions making Noah and two others always return to the starting room that would always have its appearance changed so there is no mistrust but now he received orders from his king to kill them allOutside the abandoned castle King Arkrn joined by the ant woman will personally destroy the army of survivors without the three most annoying to face he will easily manage to destroy all the military power of humans and only will be leftThe three who if by any chance manage to kill all the remaining managers will be too tire
"You bastard I'm just counting to find out how long it takes to get rid of cockroaches like you" (parasite)Noah looked at Juluis and Ninym who were already managing to kill the two meter black knights with just one hit and three cuts again"Have you guys relieved the stress yet?" (Noah)Juluis stuck his five fingers into one of the seven-foot black knights, splitting it in two."We shouldn't have done this, let's finish off this parasite and destroy everything at once" (juluis)Ninym was sitting on a meter high mountain of only dust"This is way too loud we kill more than we should" (Ninym)"Hei wait what are you going to do?" (Parasite)Noah smiled"Why did you ask that question are you afraid?" (Noah)Noah would op
Noah got close enough to see all the destruction King Arkrn and the Ant Woman had caused Noah's mind was punched hard the barrier between reality and game broke and tears started streaming down his face"How did I not realize this now because of the stupid plan thousands of people died" (Noah thought)"Why am I sad? I never really talked to the villagers" (Noah thought)Noah started to remember everything that happened while playing in the two part world"It's amazing how it can happen the experience of living hundreds of years in the other world were overcome by the few months that I live in this one where I'm just a familiar" (Noah thought)Noah felt the two huge energy the larger of the two was slowly walking towards the castle while the other was causing total chaos throughout the kingdom"You two ruined my fun and you
Noah would get out of the virtual reality machine desperate running to the chair where his cell phone was texting Mirian"The war is over we won but I died so enter the world two parts and get the Astralis key before another player" (Message from Noah)At that moment Mirian was taking a shower and her younger brother was watching a cartoon so there would be no one to read the message."More Than Drugs" (Noah)Noah slapped his own face"Because I got enraged I strayed from my goal" (Noah)Noah started cursing himself this went on for less than a minute in a very short time considering the way Noah wasFurther out of the room Evina was listening worriedly the last time this happened was when he suffered a cramp in his hand and lost his first championship as a professional player.<
Noah was sitting on the floor waiting for the minutes to pass while Evina was by his side comforting him.When the notification of a message from Mirian appeared on Noah's cell phone"Ok" (Message from Mirian)Evina smiled hugging her brother"See? She's so confident I don't even have to send anything else" (Evina)"You're right and anyway if I lose this world just regain strength" (Noah)"Woou a drastic change" (Evina thought)Meanwhile inside the game in the safe zone area heading towards the running portals"I replied so ambiguously so he wouldn't realize the trouble we were in" (Mirian)"If he loses this world, the recording of the war will be of no use to promote him" (Mirian)Yes that was the real reason why she
Normally those words wouldn't be a bad thing considering the person who said it and the situation they were in was the same thing as saying that not only their world but their life would be hell it would become impossible to play again without being tormentedThat's what all players think why Mirian doesn't have a good reputation including the fact that she's being friendly with Noah is surprising everyoneMirian breathed relieved"It's been more than eight minutes since Noah sent me that message and the portal will take thirty minutes to be used again so everything is perfect" (Mirian)Hephaestus arrived a few seconds after Mirian had already resolved looking at her sitting on the floor in front of the portal"Are we out of money? Because he's doing guard duty" (Hephaestus)"You are really funny" (mirian)
After Noah entered the portal, he woke up in a different bed from the bed he was used to waking up when he entered this world, this bed was simple, it would only have a mattress and a white sheet long.Noah wouldn't be able to open his eyes properly because of the serious wound on his body but he would be able to hear four voices one of them was a female voice she was weak and spoke slowlyMeanwhile Noah would notice something entering his body this was Lifya's healing magic who had been more than two hours concentrating her magic power to expel all the poison and dark magic residue inside Noah's bodyAnd at the same time she was finishing rebuilding all the internal organs after she had already reconstructed the skin on Noah's belly.At that moment Noah just remained silent waiting for Lifya's treatment to end because in his current state it would be dangerous to use Luke the
"Wait is over?" (random player) A commotion started to happen the Emperor player's body was immobile on the ground but without even a single scratch it made it clear to Noah what the true ability of the Veryam spirit "This skill is Useless how did you manage to rank so high?" (Noah) The players began to pay attention to Noah, the discussion ceased and a shower of questions began. "What do you mean Noah?" (Random player one) "Is the Emperor player dead?" (Random player two) "How can he be without a scratch after that attack?" (Random player three) The showers of questions continued and Noah answered them without even opening his mouth. "Get up you worthless what happened to your fighting spirit? Do you really want to lose to me?" (Noah) Noah stretched out his right arm, shooting a flare of flame capable of making the glass instantly turn to liquid. "As you can see everything around it has been completely incinerated except for th
"Hahahaha" (Player Emperor) The Emperor player was in a state of euphoria All the players in the audience were finding this a deplorable situation a player as arrogant as he was going crazy in front of an invisible opponent "Uhg I didn't know he was that weird" (Random Player One) "You are in the situation completely wrong" (Aloci) "Hey weren't you the person who was saying the Emperor player would never lose?" (Random player two) The players stopped paying attention to the fight and started making fun of Aloci, who remained motionless, ignoring the existence of all of them. "You worthless look forward to this is a fight that is impossible for there to be a loser" (Aloci) "What are you talking about?" (Random player three) "Nice words won't make his defeat any less humiliating" (Random player one) "Haven't you noticed that he's laughing nonstop even though he's still?" (alloc)
"Wait is over?" (random player) A commotion started to happen the Emperor player's body was immobile on the ground but without even a single scratch it made it clear to Noah what the true ability of the Veryam spirit "This skill is Useless how did you manage to rank so high?" (Noah) The players began to pay attention to Noah, the discussion ceased and a shower of questions began. "What do you mean Noah?" (Random player one) "Is the Emperor player dead?" (Random player two) "How can he be without a scratch after that attack?" (Random player three) The showers of questions continued and Noah answered them without even opening his mouth. "Get up you worthless what happened to your fighting spirit? Do you really want to lose to me?" (Noah) Noah stretched out his right arm, shooting a flare of flame capable of making the glass instantly turn to liquid. "As you can see everything arou
A burst of energy in the central square took out all players who were in the city Relez "What's it?" (random player) Away from the central square a woman dressed completely in yellow from her clogs to her winter bonnet "What will you do about the coffee in my clothes?" (Sun lover, ruling player of an S-Rank world) At the center of the energy explosion would be the Emperor player with his body fused with Veryam's, continuing with his outfit but with his body being Veryam's with the exception of the appearance of his face being a combination of the two. "Gravitational magic you really haven't changed a thing" (Emperor) "Thank you now let's continue our fight to start my way back to the throne" (Noah) "So this Emperor player participated in Noah's last professional match" (Mirian thought) Causing destruction with his heavy footsteps Emperor ran in a straight line towards Noah opening the floor in half causing the earth that was covered by hu
Higanbana looked at the spirit that Player Emperor would have summoned "That Emperor is really a coward" (Higanbana) "What do you mean by that?" (Mirian) "Miss doesn't know that spirit and an S Rank" (Hades) "He dared to summon an S Rank spirit to fight a rookie there is only one word for it" (Higanbana) "And that word is fear" (Hades) Higanbana slaps Hades on the back of the head causing him to fall to the ground and have his head sunk into the bricks made of unknown material. "Next time you interrupt me I'll kill you" (Higanbana) Higanbana looked at Mirian who was currently sitting on the floor with her legs bent she rested the elbow of her right arm on her thigh and leaned her head on her hand looking smiling at the angry face of the Emperor player "Higanbana And Hades don't worry Noah is not truly a newbie he is already used to this type of game" (Mirian) Mirian tapped the floor
"Emperor since we're going to fight in front of an audience why don't we make it more interesting" (Noah) Imperial player Aloci stood in front of Emperor player looking disdainfully at Noah "Are you by any chance asking to make a bet with my lord?" (alloc) Noah smiled looking at Aloci making him feel pressured by Noah's presence "With my offer it's impossible for him to refuse after all, everyone wants an S Rank world that can protect itself" (Noah) "Tsk" (Emperor) Emperor gnashed his teeth and player Aloci didn't speak swimming out of front of player Emperor "Noah what do you plan on doing?" (Mirian thought) Player Emperor was standing less than a meter away from Noah extending his hand "I accept and think you want my main world if you win" (Emperor) Higanbana smiled maliciously wanting to stir up the Emperor player he said "That way if Noah wins he can destroy your main
All the weaker players who were in the adventurers guild were running around in desperation screaming that a rookie player ended up pissing off the infamous Emperor player one of the most famous pro players in the new gaming era "So the other two imperial players are just spirits that have their courage" (Mirian) The Emperor player smiled looking at Mirian "Miss Snow Crown may I ask you something why are you with Noah?" (Emperor) Hades and Higanbana looked curiously at Mirian who smiled without answering. "Won't you answer me? Or don't you have an answer? After all he was a great player back in the day but look how he is now" (Emperor) Noah looked at his severed left arm oozing blood and without reaction pointed to what was left of the arm. "Are you talking about this?" (Noah) Using the gift from Luke the King of Vampires, the arm instantly regenerated scaring everyone except Mirian who already knows o
"I am why, Do you need anything?" (Noah) At that moment there were three different types of reactions from three different groups of people. Noah and Mirian's new friends were paralyzed the king of assassins the Gambler who was a living legend amongst the best of the best and a man who seems to have the mental age of a child as this is possible His partner Mirian was stressed about the group of players who showed up as they dare to destroy the adventurers guild and make Noah reveal his unquoted secret so awkwardly. And finally the four unknown players who somehow know about Noah's identity without even having met him once in the game and the emotion that was on their faces was happiness. "Don't worry we don't need your help" (Imperial Player Aloci) The unknown player sighed "What should you be asking yourself and what we can help you with" (Emperor Ruler Player of an A-Rank World) Before any of the thre
"So you and the famous Boredom player" (Higanbana) "I really need to change that name" (Noah thought) A few milliseconds passed and Noah realized what Higanbana would have said and looking confused at Mirian and the other two players spoke "I'm famous?" (Noah) "This idiot doesn't see the videos when they're posted?" (Mirian thought) Hades started to laugh as Higanbana smiled leaning forward while looking up making his gaze meet Noah's confused gaze. "I think I understand why your name is boring" (Higanbana) Noah was still confused "What did you mean by that?" (Noah) Mirian sighed "Boredom the videos we posted of you fighting and your current achievements are well spoken" (Mirian) "Although you are just a fish in the infinite blue sea that the players of this game conquering world after world you managed to stand out for a few minutes that made you stand in front of many other players" (Hades) Noah pointed to hades surprised "He's smarter than I thought" (Noah) Higanbana